Understand Conservatives, as a whole ^, have responsibilities: families, jobs, and community that depends on them. If they didnt show up for work it'd put a huge bind on others that depend on them and the same goes for family. A conservative mindset, as a whole, is always to do what's right in the eyes of others and try to never let their actions besmirch their name or family.
Leftist/progressive asshats, as a whole ^, do not: most still live with parents/grandparents or roomates, do not have jobs that demand focus or high skill (like Starbucks), and are encouraged by seditious government entities to go protest;i.e. they literally get paid bribes for showing up and doing "X" (verified and proven repeatedly over the years). Scruples and moral compass is foreign to these lowlifes, as long as they get paid. Children in adult bodies who have never been told no or a strap across their asses to straighten them out as a kid.
Conclusion: Conservatives ^, do not have the extra time to do a lot of the things those with part time or no jobs do. Further it would play upon their conscience to engage in the things leftist/progressive dipshits get involved in; e.g. Burning, Looting, Murder and similar activities. There's much bigger issues at play than just "Conservatives treat words like actions"...
AS a Conservative minded family man myself, I WISH I could just say "fuck work I'm gonna go protest" and get paid to do it by the same Government looking to destroy the Nation.
^ Of course there are exceptions to any group, but we speak of the majority here, not the exceptions. This, too, has been plainly obvious over the span of any given years in History.
Its much bigger than such a limited view.
Understand Conservatives, as a whole ^, have responsibilities: families, jobs, and community that depends on them. If they didnt show up for work it'd put a huge bind on others that depend on them and the same goes for family. A conservative mindset, as a whole, is always to do what's right in the eyes of others and try to never let their actions besmirch their name or family.
Leftist/progressive asshats, as a whole ^, do not: most still live with parents/grandparents or roomates, do not have jobs that demand focus or high skill (like Starbucks), and are encouraged by seditious government entities to go protest;i.e. they literally get paid bribes for showing up and doing "X" (verified and proven repeatedly over the years). Scruples and moral compass is foreign to these lowlifes, as long as they get paid. Children in adult bodies who have never been told no or a strap across their asses to straighten them out as a kid.
Conclusion: Conservatives ^, do not have the extra time to do a lot of the things those with part time or no jobs do. Further it would play upon their conscience to engage in the things leftist/progressive dipshits get involved in; e.g. Burning, Looting, Murder and similar activities. There's much bigger issues at play than just "Conservatives treat words like actions"...
AS a Conservative minded family man myself, I WISH I could just say "fuck work I'm gonna go protest" and get paid to do it by the same Government looking to destroy the Nation.
^ Of course there are exceptions to any group, but we speak of the majority here, not the exceptions. This, too, has been plainly obvious over the span of any given years in History.