In all fairness this picture was taken a few days after Elon cast his vote for Hillary Clinton. So did I. I am nothing at all like I was back then. That was the point of Q. To wake us up. Now that we woke up should we still be judged for what we used to be?
There is regular blind to the truth and then the next level blind such as pink wearing pussy hats. I voted for Jimmy Carter and I am mortified that I did it twice, but unless she renounces her previous beliefs, I will still judge her and think those are her current beliefs. I openly and regularly confess my sin of voting for Carter.
Why do they always look like rodents
In all fairness this picture was taken a few days after Elon cast his vote for Hillary Clinton. So did I. I am nothing at all like I was back then. That was the point of Q. To wake us up. Now that we woke up should we still be judged for what we used to be?
There is regular blind to the truth and then the next level blind such as pink wearing pussy hats. I voted for Jimmy Carter and I am mortified that I did it twice, but unless she renounces her previous beliefs, I will still judge her and think those are her current beliefs. I openly and regularly confess my sin of voting for Carter.
Well….I am sorry you were fooled at one time. However your inserting Elon has nothing to do with her possible views…what am I missing?
Welp, grab em’ by the pussy then.
Mask off moment
I once demanded the repeal of 2A. What's your point?
That she wore a pussy hat?
Glad you cut out soy, fren.
It was over 20 years ago. I was a different person then.
I’ve always been the same….so like Barry Sotero changed into Barack Obama? Lol J/K
anyway…pushy hats were not 20:years ago, and I and suspicious of the woman.
I meant I was very much a leftist at the time. Then I got a hard lesson in how the world really works.
Cue months of introspection.