We are already massively divided and are increasingly self segregating. This term is a flag just as is MAGA to signify a person who is willing to stand for personal beliefs in defiance of the mob crowds. There is nothing that is for everyone, including this lifestyle. But I salute and support those who choose to live out their values and convictions.
From the father of Critical Theory, Theodor Adorno, exiled Jew, from his book Minima Moralia (1951):
Essay #56 - "Excavation" (1945)
As soon as Ibsen’s name is dropped, there is a cry that he and his objects are outmoded and obsolete. These are the same types who were enraged sixty years ago about what was modernistically alienating and unethically extravagant [Verstiegene] about Nora [in Doll’s House] and Ghosts. Ibsen, the splenetic bourgeois [Bürger: bourgeois, citizen], vented his spleen at society, borrowing his implacability and ideals from the latter’s own principle. He painted the portrait of those deputized as the solid majority, who shouted down the enemy of the people, as a pathetic but enduring monument, and to this day they are still not flattered. That is why they move on to the business of the day. Where reasonable people are united over the behavior of the unreasonable, one can always presume something displaced and not yet worked through, painful scars. Thus it is with the woman question. In fact this is superficially no longer “acute,” due to the dissolution of the “masculine"-liberal competitive economy, the participation of women in salaried occupations where they are as independently dependent as men, the disenchantment of the family and the loosening of sexual taboos. At the same time, however, the continuation of traditional society has warped the emancipation of women. Few things are more symptomatic of the decay of the workers’ movement than its failure to notice this.The admission of women to all possible supervised activities hides the perpetuation of their dehumanization.They remain in large firms what they were in the family, objects. One must think not only about their impoverished daily grind at work and their life at home, which counter-intuitively preserves craft-era working conditions in the midst of industrial ones, but about women themselves.Willingly, without any contrary impulse, they reflect domination and identify with it. Instead of solving the woman question, masculine society has extended its own principle to the point that its victims are not even capable of raising the question anymore.No sooner are they granted a certain measure of wealth, than they enthusiastically affirm their fate, leave thinking to the men, defame every reflection as an affront to the feminine ideal propagated by the culture-industry and above all leave themselves in the unfreedom, which they hold to be the fulfillment of their gender.The defects by which they have to pay for this, above all neurotic stupidity, contribute to the perpetuation of the condition.Already in Ibsen’s time, most women with bourgeois pretensions were ready to tear into the hysterical sisters, who for their part took upon themselves the hopeless attempt to break out of the prison of society, which turned all four walls against them so unfeelingly. The grand-daughters however would tolerantly smile at the hysterical ones, without feeling themselves affected, and refer them to the proper authorities for friendly treatment.The female hysteric, who wished for the miraculous, is succeeded by the raging, industrious blockhead, who cannot wait for the triumph of calamity. – Perhaps something similar is at work in everything which is outmoded. It is to be explained not by mere temporal distance, but as the judgment of history. Its expression in things is the shame welling up in those born later, when confronted with an earlier possibility which the latter failed to bring to life. What was achieved, may be forgotten and preserved in the present. Only what failed is always outmoded, the broken promise of something new. It is not for nothing that Ibsen’s women are called “modern.” The hatred of modernity and that of what is outmoded are immediately one and the same.
It's not just that they want to eliminate the "middle class" or the "family" – they want to eliminate any intermediate node between the state and the individual body; a gigantic leviathan with a multitude of fearful, dependent sucklings.
For Foucault, biopower is a technology of power for managing humans in large groups; the distinctive quality of this political technology is that it allows for the control of entire populations. It refers to the control of human bodies through an anatomo-politics of the human body and biopolitics of the population through societal disciplinary institutions. Initially imposed from outside, whose source remains elusive to further investigation both by the social sciences and the humanities, and in fact, you could argue will remain elusive as long as both disciplines use their current research methods. Modern power, according to Foucault's analysis, becomes encoded into social practices as well as human behavior, as the human subject gradually acquiesces to subtle regulations and expectations of the social order. It is an integral feature and essential to the workings of—and makes possible the emergence of—the modern nation state, capitalism, etc. Biopower is literally having power over bodies; it is "an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugation of bodies and the control of populations". Foucault elaborates further in his lecture courses on biopower entitled Security, Territory, Population delivered at the Collège de France between January and April 1978:
By this I mean a number of phenomena that seem to me to be quite significant, namely, the set of mechanisms through which the basic biological features of the human species became the object of a political strategy, of a general strategy of power, or, in other words, how, starting from the 18th century, modern Western societies took on board the fundamental biological fact that human beings are a species. This is what I have called biopower.
It's just more nails in the coffin of the satanists, really. The more blatant the attacks on family and decency get, the more people take notice that something is horribly wrong.
However, how horribly wrong do things need to appear before we pull the plug on all this ridiculousness and stupidity?
I really hate that tern "TRADCON." It's just another attempt to separate everyone into neat little boxes with the intent to divide us.
It's as stupid as the troonitards who keep trying to make "cis" into some sort of slur.
Yeah, that's another one I hate.
We are already massively divided and are increasingly self segregating. This term is a flag just as is MAGA to signify a person who is willing to stand for personal beliefs in defiance of the mob crowds. There is nothing that is for everyone, including this lifestyle. But I salute and support those who choose to live out their values and convictions.
From the father of Critical Theory, Theodor Adorno, exiled Jew, from his book Minima Moralia (1951):
Essay #56 - "Excavation" (1945)
It's not just that they want to eliminate the "middle class" or the "family" – they want to eliminate any intermediate node between the state and the individual body; a gigantic leviathan with a multitude of fearful, dependent sucklings.
Michel Foucault on "biopower":
And since the women are working any kids they have are getting raised by the school system instead.
It's just more nails in the coffin of the satanists, really. The more blatant the attacks on family and decency get, the more people take notice that something is horribly wrong.
However, how horribly wrong do things need to appear before we pull the plug on all this ridiculousness and stupidity?
They need our tax money so they can launder it to enrich themselves.
And if the labor supply is high, wages will be low.
Truth right there. We are nothing but sheep to these monsters.
Deflection, do or say something controversial to take attention away from Biden selling out the country.
Yeah woman, go get a job at a daycare so you can take care of other people's children.