Hebrews 1:1-4
God’s Final Word: His Son
1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
Study Notes: These will be added as I am able.
1:1 The book of Hebrews describes in detail how Jesus Christ not only fulfills the promises and prophesies of the Old Testament, but how Jesus Christ is better than everything in the Jewish system of thought. The Jews accepted the Old Testament, but most of them rejected Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. The recipients of this letter seemed to have been Jewish Christians. They were well-versed in Scripture, and they had professed faith in Christ. Whether through doubt, persecution, or false teaching, however, they may have been in danger of giving up their Christian faith and returning to Judaism.
The authorship of this book is uncertain. Several names have been suggested, including Luke, Barnabas, Apollos, Priscilla, and Paul. Most scholars do not believe that Paul was the author, because the writing style of Hebrews is quite different from that of his letters. In addition, Paul identified himself in his other letters and appealed to his authority as an apostle, whereas this writer of Hebrews, who never gives his or her name, appeals to eyewitnesses of Jesus' ministry for authority. Nevertheless, the author of Hebrews evidently knew Paul well. Hebrews was probably written by one of Paul's close associates who often heard him preach.
1:1, 2 God used many approaches to send his messages to people in Old Testament times. He spoke to Isaiah in visions (Isaiah 6), to Jacob in a dream (Genesis 28:10-22), and to Abraham and Moses personally (Genesis 18; Exodus 31:18). Jewish people familiar with these stories would not have found it hard to believe that God was still revealing his will, but it was astonishing for them to think that God had revealed himself by speaking through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the fulfillment and culmination of God's revelation through the centuries. When we know him, we have all we need to be saved from our sin and to have a perfect relationship with God.
1:2, 3 Not only is Jesus the exact representation of God, but he is God himself--the very God who spoke in Old Testament times. He is eternal; he worked with the Father in creating the world (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16). He is the full revelation of God. You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a human body.
1:3 The book of Hebrews links God's saving power with his creative power. In other words, the power that brought the universe into being and that keeps it operating is the very power that removes (provides purification for) our sins. How mistaken we would be to ever think that God couldn't forgive us. No sin is too big for the Ruler of the universe to handle. He can and will forgive us when we come to him through his Son. That Jesus sat down means that the work was complete. Christ's sacrifice was final.
1:4 The name Jesus inherited that is superior is "Son of God." This name given to him by his Father is greater than the names and titles of the angels.
1:4ff False teachers in many of the early churches taught that God could only be approached only through angels. Instead of worshiping God directly, followers of these heretics revered angels. Hebrews clearly denounces such teaching as false. Some thought of Jesus as the highest angel of God. But Jesus is not a superior angel; and, in any case, angels are not to be worshiped (see Colossians 2:18; Revelation 19:1-10). We should not regard any intermediaries or authorities as greater than Christ. Jesus is God. He alone deserves our worship.
Christ was with God from the beginning and He willingly took part in God's plan to wake us up to the truth and save us. It would be futile for us to go against God's plan. But some will and they will fail, as if slipping down a hill of mud. So, even when I slip in the midst of distraction, my Lord and Savior lifts me up and washes me clean and heals my pain. So, every day brings praise and glory to God. Forevermore.
My Lord and Savior, Your powerful name is to be praised. Thank You for caring for Your creation in miraculous and in routine ways. Your creation is so lovely! Thank You for plants and flowers and grass and trees that glorify You by being what You created them to be. Thank You for the productivity of the veggies that You help germinate and grow. You transformed these seeds and made them produce "firstfruits" and second harvests and produce throughout the season that sustains us--and we give You praise. I could go on and on, Lord, and I will each day. To Your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Song: https://youtu.be/bEE5MvoT3oI
Have a blessed day.
Wonderful, powerful scripture...
I believe Jesus is the sustaining energy that powers the world since creation..
"sustaining all things by his powerful word."
Great song...God bless you and yours...
Praise God! Hebrews is one of my most favorite books, so inspiring and hopeful! Thank you so much for your study, timely comments and prayer.