Are the White Hats puppeteering key figures like Schiff and Musk with the Turkey / Twitter censorship situation as a narrative setup for 2024? Are they using this as an opportunity to educate the normies about election interference from tech companies? It sure seems like it!
It appears that Elon supressed and censored actual tweets from presidential candidates (https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1657407941828395010?s=46&t=zKf1kiN4GDyyiOsVRnxBnA) vs. censoring discussion of the results before the election ends (which many are doing now). I think a matter of calling the election results early is much less severe and impactful, than blocking tweets from presidential candidates/opponents before the election. Which has been done on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram before for our election (removing Trumps tweets/posts before the 2020 election)
Yglesias is saying that, but it's stated that the Tweets remained up in other countries.
If Yglesias is describing the situation correctly, shouldn't there be samples of suppressed Tweets that we can check?