Women empower themselves. If they need someone to murder a life on their behalf, that is not empowerment. Empowerment is: saying NO because a few moments in time may result in an unwanted pregnancy, using birth control of your choice and demanding the male partner does too, having sex in a committed relationship where both parties are willing to welcome a miracle into their relationship.
Women exist only when "empowering" them is useful for the Cabal, otherwise they can't be defined!
I wonder how many women have abortions on mother's day?
Good one!!!
Women empower themselves. If they need someone to murder a life on their behalf, that is not empowerment. Empowerment is: saying NO because a few moments in time may result in an unwanted pregnancy, using birth control of your choice and demanding the male partner does too, having sex in a committed relationship where both parties are willing to welcome a miracle into their relationship.