Because this isn't porn, friend. This is real life. You know.... where she drops hints all day that she's feeling you yet every night you climb in bed thinking "oh yeah.... tonight's the night. It's HAPPENING!" and she gets under the covers next to you and all you hear is "I have a headache", "my stomach hurts", "it's that time of the month", etc.
Why do I feel like I've been fucking for hours but didn't come at the end?
Because this isn't porn, friend. This is real life. You know.... where she drops hints all day that she's feeling you yet every night you climb in bed thinking "oh yeah.... tonight's the night. It's HAPPENING!" and she gets under the covers next to you and all you hear is "I have a headache", "my stomach hurts", "it's that time of the month", etc.
Literally. Every. Single. Night.
way to close to home this hit man..