A typically thoughtful and entertaining read from Brent, and encouraging support for the idea that Trump's performance at the Town Hall red-pilled a large number of MSM propaganda victims.
Trump had won over not only that audience in New Hampshire, he’d no doubt converted hundreds of thousands watching him all across America, some of whom had NEVER seen him unfiltered before.
By the way, this is how Trump converted ME.
After he won the primary in 2016 I’d resolved to watch one of his big EGO DRIVEN worship session called a Rally.
So I’d be able to assess accurately HOW America had lost her way into the Obama/Hillary “Inevitable” Serfdom.
So I watched Donald Trump for two hours sans a teleprompter talk about his love for our Nation and the American people.
And then I was angry.
I realized I’d been lied to about this man for years.
. . .
Rick Wilson also PERSONIFIED Trump’s Enemies as he HOWLED the equivalent of
“what the ever loving FUCK were you people THINKING at CNN giving Trump this chance to speak to millions of Voters who otherwise only hear about Trump **THROUGH US!!?”
. . .
All of the FEAR AND DOUBT being felt by millions of Trump supporters about his appearing at such a hostile venue has now been TRANSferred to his apoplectic enemies in DC.
This same thing happened to me years ago.I watched a Trump rally in August 2015 fully expecting a trainwreck with Trump prancing around the stage cracking jokes demeaning minorities. I mean, he'd have to, right? He apparently had no problem calling all Mexican immigrants rapists. (That's what I was told he said!) Anyway, I watch the rally and was blown away by how pragmatic and down to earth he actually is. I tune into MSNBC expecting them to say "Wow, Trump was actually in top form tonight" because the Trump they had previously described was NOTHING like what I saw with my own eyes. .........needless to say they covered it like it was a literal neo-Nazi rally. The rubber band immediately broke on my trust of the media, which was already quite low due to the war in Iraq, but this was so blatant that it just, like I said, broke the rubber band instantly.
The same thing happened to me after watching the news coverage of January 6th. It was my pop awakening.