Fellow Patriots,
I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless - I must go for good at this point.
The last three lines pique my interest. "Do not Panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point."
Why would Q have a years old post number in the middle of a newer post? Seems odd, unless "the future proves past" type of thing is happening. We know not to panic. We have been patient, curious, and getting ready for some payback, in the judicial kind of way. So, why panic if and when the lights go dark for ten days? We won't but the left will because they are not prepared for the beginning of the taking back of this country. Q and the boys have had four or five years to get all the chess pieces in place and I'm sure by now they are chomping at the bit to get things started. Remember, you cannot go on a high level of alert forever. That high alert level must come down sometime and I'm thinking it will be soon. The only thing I'm pondering about the assets is whether or not the National Guard will be loosed upon the big cities to qwell uprisings by BLM, et al. and nabbing bad guys before they have a chance to escape. I'm not seeing anything which makes me believe the NG has been mobilized, yet. But who knows, maybe in a couple of weeks we will see some sort of call ups. Finally, I'm wondering why Q says "I must go for good at this point". With only 64 posts into about 5000, why would he have to go? Maybe in the sense of taking a day off of 8kun where he was first posting? IDK, but I think Q is still around, lurking on this and other forums to keep a reading on the temperature of Patriots. To me it feels that Q and the boys are fixing to ramp up the mayhem on the left and this is a backdoor way to say "Hey fellow anons, we are here and your dreams of a full Gitmo is right around the corner."
Now maybe I'm off base, but it does seem to fit, a wee bit. Personally, I'm thinking things will kick off sometime in June/July. If not, the disappoint level of hungry anons will rise. I hope not.
hmm you bring up some interesting points. That's very curious, why #64 was written that way. Will ponder.
The National Guard was federalized in March 2020 via Executive Order 13912, extended through Mar 2024, and have been operating outside of their state and out of the country since. There are folks who track the flights on the apps and show this. What are they doing? Idk for sure, except every so often I read stories like ... The bad gang in Queens all got arrested at once, in a big take down. 133 arrested. Mexican cartel dismantled (Sineloa cartel.) Worlds most wanted human trafficker arrested. All of those cartel soldiers incarcerated in El Salvador. So things like that make me think that there is stuff going on, we just don't know about it bc it isn't getting reported. (47 US CODE 606) But, the NG is definitely activated.
Now you've raised my antenna. Are you saying that our NG is going into foreign countries and taking down cartels? I thought they were a domestic fighting force, not a backup/assist for other countries' domestic police forces. Plus, why haven't we heard from any NG members back from deployment as to what mischievious deeds they were participating in? This entire Q program has me stumped as to how there is never ever any leaking of the plan to the media. You would think there would be at least one ultra leftist liberal who would chirp like a bird to the news media about all the "evil" the US NG was doing in other countries. Plus, there has got to be at least 200 Generals who are in on the Q plan. Not ONE OF THEM has spilled the beans. How can that be? The military hierachy is full of libs, so the white hats don't talk to the black hats? I find that a little........well you get the idea. I also wonder when this is all said and done, sometime in the future, will Q sit down with a reputable journalist and a great book on the Q plan be written? That would be a best seller, second only to the Bible.
Go look at Q post #64. Might have some connection, but I'll let ya'll ponder whether or not.
hmm, tell me what you're thinking here, fren
Post #64
Fellow Patriots, I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions. We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack. Watch the news outlets. POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago). Should the lights go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point. Q
The last three lines pique my interest. "Do not Panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point." Why would Q have a years old post number in the middle of a newer post? Seems odd, unless "the future proves past" type of thing is happening. We know not to panic. We have been patient, curious, and getting ready for some payback, in the judicial kind of way. So, why panic if and when the lights go dark for ten days? We won't but the left will because they are not prepared for the beginning of the taking back of this country. Q and the boys have had four or five years to get all the chess pieces in place and I'm sure by now they are chomping at the bit to get things started. Remember, you cannot go on a high level of alert forever. That high alert level must come down sometime and I'm thinking it will be soon. The only thing I'm pondering about the assets is whether or not the National Guard will be loosed upon the big cities to qwell uprisings by BLM, et al. and nabbing bad guys before they have a chance to escape. I'm not seeing anything which makes me believe the NG has been mobilized, yet. But who knows, maybe in a couple of weeks we will see some sort of call ups. Finally, I'm wondering why Q says "I must go for good at this point". With only 64 posts into about 5000, why would he have to go? Maybe in the sense of taking a day off of 8kun where he was first posting? IDK, but I think Q is still around, lurking on this and other forums to keep a reading on the temperature of Patriots. To me it feels that Q and the boys are fixing to ramp up the mayhem on the left and this is a backdoor way to say "Hey fellow anons, we are here and your dreams of a full Gitmo is right around the corner."
Now maybe I'm off base, but it does seem to fit, a wee bit. Personally, I'm thinking things will kick off sometime in June/July. If not, the disappoint level of hungry anons will rise. I hope not.
hmm you bring up some interesting points. That's very curious, why #64 was written that way. Will ponder.
The National Guard was federalized in March 2020 via Executive Order 13912, extended through Mar 2024, and have been operating outside of their state and out of the country since. There are folks who track the flights on the apps and show this. What are they doing? Idk for sure, except every so often I read stories like ... The bad gang in Queens all got arrested at once, in a big take down. 133 arrested. Mexican cartel dismantled (Sineloa cartel.) Worlds most wanted human trafficker arrested. All of those cartel soldiers incarcerated in El Salvador. So things like that make me think that there is stuff going on, we just don't know about it bc it isn't getting reported. (47 US CODE 606) But, the NG is definitely activated.
Thank you for your response!
Now you've raised my antenna. Are you saying that our NG is going into foreign countries and taking down cartels? I thought they were a domestic fighting force, not a backup/assist for other countries' domestic police forces. Plus, why haven't we heard from any NG members back from deployment as to what mischievious deeds they were participating in? This entire Q program has me stumped as to how there is never ever any leaking of the plan to the media. You would think there would be at least one ultra leftist liberal who would chirp like a bird to the news media about all the "evil" the US NG was doing in other countries. Plus, there has got to be at least 200 Generals who are in on the Q plan. Not ONE OF THEM has spilled the beans. How can that be? The military hierachy is full of libs, so the white hats don't talk to the black hats? I find that a little........well you get the idea. I also wonder when this is all said and done, sometime in the future, will Q sit down with a reputable journalist and a great book on the Q plan be written? That would be a best seller, second only to the Bible.