NIH funds Dazsak/EcoHealth, Daszak brings his hogwash wherever he gets the better bid. Anthrax in Ukraine, cholera in Sudan, I'm pretty sure they've lined up all known infections by lethality and tampered with them already in 300+ DOD/NIH funded biolabs in less regulated countries.
Cutting one, Wuhan for now alters just the funding scheme, a bit.
I am suspicious of this. Just because the name of the place was removed from the list of laboratories that receive U.S. Taxpayer funds, doesn't mean they won't backdoor it.
US needs to repatriate every single technology/manufacturing job that they offshored to China. I can't believe that the globalists were allowed to de-industrialise the USA and take away the thing that won WW1 and WW2 - USA's unimaginable power to produce things.
Color me unimpressed. They will send funding to another location, either universities in the U.S. or throughout the world.
Riddle me this: Is it due to the fact that "experimentation" on different forms of inoculations will save mankind for some dreaded disease?
I don't think so!!!
NIH funds Dazsak/EcoHealth, Daszak brings his hogwash wherever he gets the better bid. Anthrax in Ukraine, cholera in Sudan, I'm pretty sure they've lined up all known infections by lethality and tampered with them already in 300+ DOD/NIH funded biolabs in less regulated countries.
Cutting one, Wuhan for now alters just the funding scheme, a bit.
I am suspicious of this. Just because the name of the place was removed from the list of laboratories that receive U.S. Taxpayer funds, doesn't mean they won't backdoor it.
US needs to repatriate every single technology/manufacturing job that they offshored to China. I can't believe that the globalists were allowed to de-industrialise the USA and take away the thing that won WW1 and WW2 - USA's unimaginable power to produce things.
What happened to "Wuhan doesn't have a virus lab"?
So soon?