The People's' Voice = Newspunch = Clickbait (Disinfo) and an Attack on Truth in the current 5th Generational Warfare
If you examine ANY article on, formerly known as Newspunch (Go to, and it links directly to
Invariably, the Headline is clickbait bullsh*te, followed by two or 3 paragraphs of baseless, made-up assertions with no sauce, then followed by actual real content provided in order to somehow shore up the original disinformation headlines and primary assertions.
Case Study
Former President Barack Hussein Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.
Speaking to CBS News on Tuesday, Obama warned that the mainstream media has lost its control over the narrative and said the only solution is for the U.S. government to step in and take drastic action.
A search for these actual statements delivers NO results or confirmable sauces.
However, Obama DID do an interview with the CBS interviewer, but what did he actually say?
No other sauce except for NEWPUNCH, and the usual regurgitating clickbait sites can be found for the sensationalist headline that Obama said anything like
We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media
It really should be clear to Even newbie anons what is happening here.
We all know Obama is a treasonous POS, quite evil, and that he would LOVE to have complete media censorship.
But that is why clickbait disinfo honcho Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his website publish these outrageous headlines. They are betting people just totally consume it without any discernment. Looking at this post on GAW, do you think he is right?
How many of our pedes just accept it because it is a headline that appeals directly to confirmation bias and is posted on GAW?
The impacts of spreading this clickbait are insidious.
Problem - Reaction - Solution
Step 1. Take some fact and mix with fake content. Create fake-ified bait.
1.a. Ensure that the facts pertain to that you wish to minimize or hide from public understanding
1.b. Maximize reaction factor by ensuring that the fake content is something that will trigger emotional engagement from those who understand truth on some level
Step 2. Promulgate said bait by targeting reactionary impulses in (people)
2.a. Establish and then utilize disinfo sites in the form of clickbait (aka dress the wolves in sheep's clothing)
Step 3. Use Hoax and Fact Checkers to discredit content on the basis of fake-ified details
3.a. The more you generate fake-ified news in order to muddy the waters and poison the information pool, the better
Step 4. Rinse and Repeat
Who is the People's Voice TV?
The People's Voice TV was previously the Video Arm of the CLICKBAIT site Newspunch. Same old Sean Adl-Tabatabai, same old Baxter Dmitry, same old clickbait.
Who is Newspunch?
Newspunch was first created as*/ rebranded itself as in late 2018. Now, the Newspunch Website URL (click here: and links directly to The People's Voice. In appears, then, that aka Newspunch is once again rebranding itself under another name: ThePeople'
YourNewsWire > NewsPunch > ThePeople'
The same organization and content rebranded under different names were all founded by "Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his husband Sinclair Treadway" Sauce: Wikipedia, who were reportedly the first "married" gay duo in the United Kingdom Sauce: Daily Beast. YourNewsWire was described by (The Hollywood Reporter)[] as the "Breitbart of the Left".
Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions). Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs). Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts). Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs). Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
Thank you, FractalizingIron. I have seen posts recently with "content" from old seanx's disinfo farm claiming he is a genuine researcher. Definitely something for everyone on the board to be aware of.