Yes, I know that. I was just sarcastically making a point. All those surrounding him who carry on this charade to deceive the public must all be prosecuted too.
Of course you and we all know that it is an actor playing the role of Biden and one day it will be revealed like the end of a Scooby Doo episode and Donald Trump and The White Hats will reveal many, many stories to the normal people that had no idea they were in a movie. They should have Ashton Kutcher run out to tell the nation ... The thing.
Because it's not really Biden and never has been.
The white hats that put him in are laughing their asses off!
Yes, I know that. I was just sarcastically making a point. All those surrounding him who carry on this charade to deceive the public must all be prosecuted too.
Of course you and we all know that it is an actor playing the role of Biden and one day it will be revealed like the end of a Scooby Doo episode and Donald Trump and The White Hats will reveal many, many stories to the normal people that had no idea they were in a movie. They should have Ashton Kutcher run out to tell the nation ... The thing.