I stopped drinking, now I grow a garden, tend to a small flock of chickens and a hive of bees. Blessed with a wonderful wife and a job I was born to do. And don't forget 2 dogs and a feral cat that thinks it a chicken. Got a small camper for exploring this country on local and long distance trips. No time for TV or such things. Boredom is not on my agenda.
Also have Pepe and a Q badge on the back of my truck.
Congrats. I stopped drinking also, and I credit that some to a post out here that said alcohol was a tool of Satan to render us weak so we can't fight back.
I also started a garden. Got a two rows of beans, one of peas, corn, cucumbers, zucchini squash, and watermelons. Also some tomatoes, peppers, potatoes growing in some 55 gallon drum halves.
Couldn't feed family off garden but I had to start somewhere, and gardening is a acquired skill that you only learn by doing it. I knew how to grow things up where I grew up, but when I let my wife move to down to the land of eternal summer I'm having to learn what grows down here in zone 9b.
I live in a republican state, in a republican city, but move from more rural home 7 miles from the only redlight in town.
Have you ever seen this:
Bracken: The CW2 Cube — Mapping The Meta-Terrain Of Civil War Two (Bracken is ex-Navy Seal)
I stopped drinking, now I grow a garden, tend to a small flock of chickens and a hive of bees. Blessed with a wonderful wife and a job I was born to do. And don't forget 2 dogs and a feral cat that thinks it a chicken. Got a small camper for exploring this country on local and long distance trips. No time for TV or such things. Boredom is not on my agenda. Also have Pepe and a Q badge on the back of my truck.
Yeh I got a small camper as well. Love just taking off.
Does your chicken-cat lay eggs?
If it wasn't for that first stayement, I would think you were my baby brother.
Good on you for all the self improvement & greatness!
Congrats. I stopped drinking also, and I credit that some to a post out here that said alcohol was a tool of Satan to render us weak so we can't fight back.
I also started a garden. Got a two rows of beans, one of peas, corn, cucumbers, zucchini squash, and watermelons. Also some tomatoes, peppers, potatoes growing in some 55 gallon drum halves.
Couldn't feed family off garden but I had to start somewhere, and gardening is a acquired skill that you only learn by doing it. I knew how to grow things up where I grew up, but when I let my wife move to down to the land of eternal summer I'm having to learn what grows down here in zone 9b.
I live in a republican state, in a republican city, but move from more rural home 7 miles from the only redlight in town.
Have you ever seen this:
Bracken: The CW2 Cube — Mapping The Meta-Terrain Of Civil War Two (Bracken is ex-Navy Seal)
I rock a pepe as my crew emblen on gta