Let's not forget, the CIA is behind a very large majority of this shit. We tend to focus on the actions of the lower level public puppets.
Impossible to clean. @qalerts
- N C S W I C -

ALL the 3 letter agencies need to be dismantled. Including NSA. Some could be remade into better versions, but the Clowns In America, Fed Boi Insurrectionists, Fed Reserve, and Idiot Retard Society need to go away for good.
Giving NSA the power and legal jurisdiction over the whole of the interwebs was a bad idea. Giving them the ability to bulk collect everything and then allowing the Clowns and Fed Bois unfettered access in order to target The People began the downward toilet flush spiral of the U.S. Until that stops, we will continue that spiral into the sewers.
Yes. And every other agency/department must be frozen and examined (and probably shut down, too)…Department of Education, Transportaton, Energy, BLM and many more.