153 Bud Light Buying Back Unsold Beer as Company Scrambles After Backlash BUDCOTT UPDATE posted 1 year ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 year ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +153 / -0 https://www.newsweek.com/bud-light-unsold-beer-backlash-1801689?amp=1 https://archive.ph/WLAbe 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Beer has a very short shelf life. Couple of months is all. After that the Big beer companies require the Wholesalers to pick the expired beer up and destroy it. It's actually standard procedure and has been for decades.
So you are saying that bud light cans should show: "Died on April 1, 2023" instead of a "born on" Date?
Sounds like they need some government supervision from the EPA, DNR, to make sure they aren’t polluting the environment with their effluent
When I worked for a Beer Wholesaler 30 years ago we could by "dents", new beer cans, dented in route or in warehouse, for $3 a case.