16 Flag-symbolism. -see comments. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by redtoe-skipper 1 year ago by redtoe-skipper +16 / -0 8 comments download share 8 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
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See above, was still typing.
I thought that might have been the case, sorry :)
All the money sent to Ukraine and Zelenski can not afford a suit?
So, here is a G7 picture with Ulraine ... Without China of course.
Take careful note of the USA-flag. What is on top? A Bird? No.... A Spear.
Take careful note of the flags. What is on top of the Japanese flag?
A ball.
So, in terms of flag symbolism we have:
What do you think this symbolizes?
Take also careful note, that the USA flag bears no yellow fringe. Take note of the Ukraine flag: no yellow fringe.
Take careful note of the EU flag. The EU is not a State but a union with a growing appearance of a state.
See pages 122 - 125.
Who is recruiting who?
Also note that Biden isn't in front of the American Flag, he is in front of China and China in front of Ukraine 🤔
So usually, presidential = bird on top + yellow fringe, right.
Now we see a speer only...I have not seen that one before.
When the Russian hotwar entry started in Ukraine, I saw a photo with Sillyandski with a Ukro flag with yellow/gold fringes.
Spear or Axe or Ball or Bird, are all intended to say ""Fascism"" by Governance....
Yellow Fringe need not be present to accentuate the message....