Of course it wasn't a Scud. They come down at a steep angle, not plowing in along the ground. Learn something before you try to enlighten anyone. I was in the business of designing systems to shoot down Scuds. A Scud would not leave behind airplane and passenger artifacts. It would also have a warhead (not in evidence). I am tired now, and cranky, and I just don't know how to respond to total ignorance amplified by arrogance. Somebody told you this and you just sucked it up like a lollipop without doing any due diligence. Talk about the Credulous American.
Of course it wasn't a Scud. They come down at a steep angle, not plowing in along the ground. Learn something before you try to enlighten anyone. I was in the business of designing systems to shoot down Scuds. A Scud would not leave behind airplane and passenger artifacts. It would also have a warhead (not in evidence). I am tired now, and cranky, and I just don't know how to respond to total ignorance amplified by arrogance. Somebody told you this and you just sucked it up like a lollipop without doing any due diligence. Talk about the Credulous American.