Stocked. Even have several emergency food supply buckets that X22 Dave was shilling for a while. Hopefully in 23 years when it's about to expire, all of this shit will have worked itself put and I can try it and see if it's any good. It would be nice to have a fat steak as backup incase it's terrible.
I am a firm believer in FIFO. (First in first out) I cycle through all of it except the emergency buckets of course. My biggest problem will he not being able to get milk. I've got a little milk problem.
We've been buying milk powder and vacuum sealing into smaller portions, unless we got it from Auguson Farms...then we leave it in the can. I know the taste will be different but it is better than nothing.
Stocked. Even have several emergency food supply buckets that X22 Dave was shilling for a while. Hopefully in 23 years when it's about to expire, all of this shit will have worked itself put and I can try it and see if it's any good. It would be nice to have a fat steak as backup incase it's terrible.
Hopefully not that long from now!
I am a firm believer in FIFO. (First in first out) I cycle through all of it except the emergency buckets of course. My biggest problem will he not being able to get milk. I've got a little milk problem.
We've been buying milk powder and vacuum sealing into smaller portions, unless we got it from Auguson Farms...then we leave it in the can. I know the taste will be different but it is better than nothing.
I have it. There's just nothing like an ICE cold chug out if the gallon. You have to mix the powder thick.
Nice idea