Thinking about the DeSantis situation logically...
How can anyone who understands the reality of the Globalist agenda not understand that Trump is America's best hope?
Is it possible to recognize the inherent violence of Big Pharma + Big Govt stripping citizens of their most basic lawful freedoms under the guise of 'fighting against a pandemic', but not see that DJT has been THE major force against Globalism since he came down the escalator?
Knowing And Unknowing
Somewhere out there, there are knowing and unknowing RINOs. By knowing, I mean those who are actually quite conscious of the choices they are making. By unknowing, I mean those who more driven by an unconscious state of inner denial that prevents them from accepting the truth.
The Knowing RINO are Deep State minions, selling out their country and their people and their own souls for money and influence. The unknowing RINOs are those that do not fully understand the situation, but are in deep denial of their own personal mistakes and flaws, and in that denial, are unable to see the truth that DJT is the real deal.
But that's the thing about truth.
As the Truth is revealed, the middle ground disappears, and you end up choosing one side or another, either knowingly or unknowingly.
At the end of the day, it's much harder to repent and turn around if you have knowingly chosen to sacrifice others to obtain material comfort, influence and money than it is to wake up to your own self-denial, and realize that you've being going in the wrong direction because you've been in a self-induced trance.
But either way, the more that truth is revealed, the harder it is to stand in a neutral, midway position.
Where Does DeSantis Stand?
How should We, as anons approach this?
The answers might seem 'obvious' to some, but personally, I think that a healthy, self-aware practice of discernment requires that I consider that
/ what things may look like does not necessarily map on to what things actually are /
Anyone who's opinion of Donald J Trump has changed in any way, or whose understanding of the world has changed in any way in the last 7 years should appreciate that.
But thinking about Ron DeSantis, I find it hard to imagine that one could be governor of Florida and NOT understand how central and key DJT is to the future of the country and the world. That seems extremely unlikely. There's just too much information (and truth) out there.
Accordingly, I find it hard to believe that RD is an 'unknowing' participant in the current 5G war as far as politics is concerned. You'd have to have unprecedented levels of inner denial to be in that central position of Gov of Fl. and NOT see what is going on.
So while discernment dictates that I have to seriously consider whether RD is actually a unware, unknowing participant, after a bit of thought, that possibility seems more and more unlikely (although logically, I still cannot rule it out.)
So after considering that possibility, I find myself left with two possibilities, both of which I consider "likely" at this point:
Two Logical Options
DeSantis is playing a role, as a foil to kayfabe, in alignment with DJT's strategy, to either expose real RINOs, siphon off RINO support and throw that behind DJT in some way, at the right time, or for some other reason.
DeSantis is a knowing actor that has chosen to stand against the revival of America and the World, to sacrifice home and nation, either in pursuit of power and influence or because is so blackmailed and owned that he's sacrificing the country in order to preserve his own skin.
Time will tell, I expect, but I'll continue to refrain from engaging in knee-jerk reactions and jumping to any premature conclusions.
And while I know that many anons are going to feel very strongly about one of these options over the other, I feel that intellectual honesty requires that I acknowledge the limits of my knowing.
This is also a practical approach, because whether the truth is A or B, it's immaterial to me in terms of who has my support. Nothing could dislodge my support for DJT at this point in time. Nothing. I'm all in On Trump.
But IF the truth is Option A, then it serves no real good benefit to simply become abusive of DeSantis and spread accusations. That's for DJT to do and for normies to do. Rather, anons should encourage each other and normies to apply rational thinking, withhold knee-jerk reactionism and support Trump.
(The Cabal always wants us to react, NOT to understand.)
IF the truth is Option B, then RD will face his own demise as a matter of natural course, and it will become more and more obvious over time. In the meantime, anons should persuade others that regardless of who DeSantis is, DJT is the ONLY way forward for America to be restored. There are a thousand reasons why that is true, and the reasons to support Trump are there, DeSantis or no.
Caveat: I'll admit that with the current new developments, I'm leaning more towards Option B than A, but I feel compelled by the principles of 5G warfare to give it time and not react.
In Conclusion
Regardless of who RD really is or what is motivating him - something that frankly we just cannot know 100% at this point (even if we want to believe we can) - the choices for anons should be clear:
Avoid emotional bias and reactionism, apply logical thinking and reasoning, as Q has constantly encouraged and exhorted us to do. Apply discernment. and refocus on our mission. Educate ourselves and the normies around us, by exposing the Deep State more and more, understanding the parts of the Plan we can, and put front and center the reasons why DJT is the only real way forward.
But wondering how other pedes on the board are approaching this current situation....
We are at war. Think logically.
What? Really? Fake anti DeSantis accounts? I don’t get it.