Before I even questioned 911 I was having a hard time understanding how guys who took a few flying lessons were able to do what they supposedly did with pin point accuracy.
You should see the 3-d model someone made of the actual flight path this 'plane' supposedly took - it's insane and even flight instructors were saying they probably couldn't do it in a simulator.
Oddly enough, pinpoint accuracy to the exact rooms where the records for the missing 2.3 Trillion Rumsfield mentioned on 9/10/2011, but nothing to see here, move along!
Here is the official 9/11 TT narrative summarize: jet fuel can; melt steel beams, burn from september all the way through december, can vaporize steel and concrete into dust. But cannot burn passport paper
Before I even questioned 911 I was having a hard time understanding how guys who took a few flying lessons were able to do what they supposedly did with pin point accuracy.
You should see the 3-d model someone made of the actual flight path this 'plane' supposedly took - it's insane and even flight instructors were saying they probably couldn't do it in a simulator.
Oddly enough, pinpoint accuracy to the exact rooms where the records for the missing 2.3 Trillion Rumsfield mentioned on 9/10/2011, but nothing to see here, move along!
I'd put odds at about 100% that the location those files happened to have been was determined on the 12th.
They told their flight instructors that they weren't interested in learning how to take off and land, only how to fly the planes.
Here is the official 9/11 TT narrative summarize: jet fuel can; melt steel beams, burn from september all the way through december, can vaporize steel and concrete into dust. But cannot burn passport paper