When you click Elon gets paid. Is he sharing with Ron? Ron's fundraising is waning, and doing his announcement via Twitter is hardly work, as a candidate in a traditional way. People will be clicking around the world just to see for fun, non voters, making money for his camp.
Don't click after either, it makes money for them, still.
Just watch all the clips of it ad-nauseum they will show us, on all of our news feeds.
Do not click and fundraise for Ron! Not much to ask, to *tank his announcement. * Elon says he'll do it for Trump too. THAT IS WHEN WE CLICK, and keep clicking the link. When Trump destroys what Ron says today.
Just don't give Ron's camp the money he needs from this announcement.
It's not much to ask. Be a citizen soldier and just DON'T WATCH/CLICK ON RON'S ANNOUNCEMENT BEFORE OR AFTER!
Task for our day....thank you.
what IF....he announces his support for Trump? lmao
That might come later, because I believe Trump and DeSantis could be working together.
Of the hordes of people currently abandoning the Dem Party, a lot of them can’t (yet) bare to support Orange Man Bad, so jumping on the De Santis bandwagon is an acceptable option for them. When Trump wins the primary these people who are new to the Republican Party will be faced with a big dilemma…. Perfect timing for DeSantis to then endorse Trump.
This would be the best news ever but I’m skeptical. Pretty sure Ron’s involved in the masons.