Technically, it is an explosive ( but yes you need something better than a blasting cap to knock it, a substantial explosion, like a stick of dynamite. Maybe a hand grenade would be sufficient.
If you use Nitromethane instead of diesel it's even better (Oklahoma city) and you can add aluminium powder to make it more sensitive.
Use your fucking heads. It’s 30 tons of fertilizer not 30 tons of explosives..
Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend because nothing is going to happen.
You only need to soak it with diesel and its a reasonable explosive, but still yes enjoy your weekend.
No, it needs something else to explode.
It's not dangerous or an explosive just mixed with diesel, it's a precursor.
Technically, it is an explosive ( but yes you need something better than a blasting cap to knock it, a substantial explosion, like a stick of dynamite. Maybe a hand grenade would be sufficient.
If you use Nitromethane instead of diesel it's even better (Oklahoma city) and you can add aluminium powder to make it more sensitive.
would a shotgun cartridge do the job?
I have no idea.