...They genuinely thought they were each controlled by different factions that had no causal relationship. Until Q. Now they realize they're all connected in some way by the same scheme. The pawns that sold their souls never realized this was the caveat. They believed it was all totally under control forever (and it is) - but controlled by true evil that has no loyalty to man. The families will turn them in (by design), and that's what has the others pissing their pants. They can feel that they're being used to bring Trump back into the spotlight via CNN townhalls, news stories and Qanon FBI releases ... etc. And they can't do anything about it accept do what they're told... just like when they were forced to bash Trump ... now they're being forced to bring him into the open looking cleaner - and they won't stop it. They can't. They're more afraid of their allies than their foes. Cartel-like shit..
It is what it is.
The evil doesn't go away in this world .. until Jesus banishes it. And even then - it comes back a 1000 years later to take our kin out. And, I assume, we start over again somewhere else.
Double check that, fren. You are not correct.
I disagree with you. That's an article on a website. Read the laws and orders, military code, executive orders, UCMJ, military justice act, and federal continuity directives. Or, don't, I really don't care.
That page was directly from the department of justice, not just a random website. Which military code authorizes them to arrest citizens? And what about the UCMJ? Which executive orders? You made very broad statements. Civilians do not fall under military code or the UCMJ. The UCMJ is all about the guidelines the military has to follow and has no effect on a civilian. So how can the UCMJ allow the military to arrest civilians? Once again, the link I provided was directly to the Department of Justice page.
I'm not going to be able to read this or understand it for you. Have a good day.
With that being said, https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/criminal-hrsp/legacy/2011/02/04/03-10-08dod-ucmj.pdf
This states that the military only has authority over civilians that are government contractors "in the field," meaning overseas, with their unit. And even in that case, they have to turn the civilian over to the DOJ.
You're wrong. That's my opinion. You don't understand what's going on and you won't learn. So, respectfully, please move along. Thank you and have a good evening.