there's even more on the macro level going on than rounding up the pedos and stopping them from murdering the world, i just can't shake it. I can't get to a cozy place where Trump/patriots free America and the world from murderous satanic pedos and that's the end of the story.
-watching Musk manage DeSantis's bungled launch on twitter
-Biden's endless gaffes and 'unintended' insults of leftards
-woke companies happily committing suicide with trans stupidity
-swamp people wearing boots all over the place
-golden ticket vid
it makes me wonder just to what extent that patriots are really in control. it's even more than we think. their reasoning for drawing this out to the full 8 year plan could have more objectives than just waking up the people and arresting the corrupt assholes. we're watching a movie that has more to the plot than waking up the people.
this doesn't sound like it's only an intel trap/rico case. more complex than D day?
Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History
Is it that God is involved directly and this is revelations? the big showdown with evil? God is the biggest white hat.
I either need a break or should keep following this. or stick with only what's in the drops. or shut up cuz i'm compromising intel. argh.
I still think it's going to be a mess getting all the illegal aliens out of here.
Less than you might imagine...There could be tip lines or bounty/rewards offered...also there's the fact that we bussed them to known locations and gave them phones....Not sure other tracking measures weren't used as well.
I used to think so too. There are couple of factors to consider here:
Majority of the illegals get forced out of their homes by the cartels with carrot and stick strategy to come and flood into US. These people will go home on their own when the conditions change.
Almost all illegals are given electronic devices, some kind of IDs, etc etc. Most definitely the ringleaders or the real evil bastards. WHs are probably tracking their every move.
We are already seeing tons of high tech immigrants going back to their countries as the tech sector collapses. These are the immigrants that are like super glue - they never ever leave US, and they are pouring out. This shows that when the conditions are right, the rest of them also will prefer to leave.
What conditions do we need?
Remove full cartel control in their home country and bring stable governments representing people.
Upcoming financial collapse that will wipe out the Cabal financial system, and cuts off all kinds of welfare funding that is very necessary to force these immigrants here.
Cut loose all the Soros DAs and bring in real DAs that will prosecute criminals properly.
My idea is to pay them to leave. Then it’s voluntary and doesn’t seem inhumane. I know people don’t want to spend that money but it’s way cheaper in the long run. Pay them to go home and you won’t have to pay welfare for them, their kids, their kid’s kids, etc. It’s actually a bargain.