The origin of the EPA started out as a necessary agency to regulate the unrestrained dumping of industrial waste into the waters, buried under the ground and pumped into the air. Like all other agencies, they were corrupted and used as a weapon. We like to shit on the FBI, but there is a real need for a Federal investigative unit to investigate interstate crime. The State LEO's were unable to coordinate efforts with neighboring State LEO's to effectively take down organized crime and criminals that were crossing State lines. We tend to over react to the agencies that have been corrupted and wish to destroy them, but their initial purpose and their original founding isn't the problem. The problem is the corruption and the abuse of these agencies.
The EPA has been working to stop fracking in the US for a long time now. Advances in fracking is what enabled the US to get to a point of not needing to import foreign oil thus getting out from under the control of OPEC. They didn't want that to happen. The oil situation has an enormous affect on the US economy.
They also used the spotted owl to shut down the timber industry. I suspect that was we could get to the current situation, of importing the crooked warped shit corporations like home depot and lowe's now call lumber. The abuses imposed by the EPA are not out weighed by their early successes of clean up.
They have been used throughout their history as a big stick against industry, and thus against the economy.
This is the end result of corruption. It twists and fouls even the most glorious and well intentioned creations until you are so disgusted that you "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Take a larger view of the intent behind the USA and what it has meant to all of humanity. The change in the human condition was a beacon of hope and progress. Now look at what it has become. Do we disolve the USA and throw out the founding principles? No, we purge the corruption and rebuild the original intent and put in even more rigorous protections to ensure that the ideals are protected for future generations. The only hope for mankind is progress. By learning lessons throughout history, we embrace what works and eliminate that which fails. We continuously learn and adapt to improve the ideals and make them a reality.
The EPA has been one of the cabal's tools to destroy the ecomony of the US since its inception.
"Watch the water"
Don't take for granted that every time you turn the faucet it is going to come out, and damned sure don't let your enemy control the spigot.
The origin of the EPA started out as a necessary agency to regulate the unrestrained dumping of industrial waste into the waters, buried under the ground and pumped into the air. Like all other agencies, they were corrupted and used as a weapon. We like to shit on the FBI, but there is a real need for a Federal investigative unit to investigate interstate crime. The State LEO's were unable to coordinate efforts with neighboring State LEO's to effectively take down organized crime and criminals that were crossing State lines. We tend to over react to the agencies that have been corrupted and wish to destroy them, but their initial purpose and their original founding isn't the problem. The problem is the corruption and the abuse of these agencies.
The EPA has been working to stop fracking in the US for a long time now. Advances in fracking is what enabled the US to get to a point of not needing to import foreign oil thus getting out from under the control of OPEC. They didn't want that to happen. The oil situation has an enormous affect on the US economy.
They also used the spotted owl to shut down the timber industry. I suspect that was we could get to the current situation, of importing the crooked warped shit corporations like home depot and lowe's now call lumber. The abuses imposed by the EPA are not out weighed by their early successes of clean up.
They have been used throughout their history as a big stick against industry, and thus against the economy.
This is the end result of corruption. It twists and fouls even the most glorious and well intentioned creations until you are so disgusted that you "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Take a larger view of the intent behind the USA and what it has meant to all of humanity. The change in the human condition was a beacon of hope and progress. Now look at what it has become. Do we disolve the USA and throw out the founding principles? No, we purge the corruption and rebuild the original intent and put in even more rigorous protections to ensure that the ideals are protected for future generations. The only hope for mankind is progress. By learning lessons throughout history, we embrace what works and eliminate that which fails. We continuously learn and adapt to improve the ideals and make them a reality.