TO THE GALLOWS w/ this POS!!! People were compromised and peoples lives were ruined because of this Scumbags lying!!!! He basically ‘Sucker Punched’ the American People ….
WHY would a General "beg" for recognition of the "suffering" of his family and himself to a post that points out what Adam Schiff did TO A SITTING PRESIDENT.
In my view the Adam Schiff post is more about the treason against THE President AND therefore AGAINST WeThePeople and not about about what he had to endure as well.
If you believe that we will beat the cabal then Adam Schiff will be held accountable. There is no way someone as evil as he is could make a deal to escape accountability.
We've been in this fight for a long time and sometimes we get tired, but it was always going to take years and great sacrifice to beat a multi-millennia old cabal just as they were on the cusp of final victory.
TO THE GALLOWS w/ this POS!!! People were compromised and peoples lives were ruined because of this Scumbags lying!!!! He basically ‘Sucker Punched’ the American People ….
Found this Gen. Flynn reply to the above tweet - very strange:
WHY would a General "beg" for recognition of the "suffering" of his family and himself to a post that points out what Adam Schiff did TO A SITTING PRESIDENT.
In my view the Adam Schiff post is more about the treason against THE President AND therefore AGAINST WeThePeople and not about about what he had to endure as well.
Is it only me, who finds this kind of odd?
Adam Schiff will never be held accountable. He’ll probably end up being the next governor of California. Let that sink in.
Come on fren!
If you believe that we will beat the cabal then Adam Schiff will be held accountable. There is no way someone as evil as he is could make a deal to escape accountability.
We've been in this fight for a long time and sometimes we get tired, but it was always going to take years and great sacrifice to beat a multi-millennia old cabal just as they were on the cusp of final victory.
If what we have heard is true, then there is a special place reserved for melon head.
Got it. Just getting worn down.
I was born in Los Angeles, California, I grew up in Huntington Beach, and I loved California. I was proud to be part of California. But not anymore.
It’s not much better here in Arizona, because our votes are stolen every election season.
It gets rough, but right now I’m in a good place. Enjoying my time in Kauai, and keeping my eyes on the Lord.
Thanks for the reminder
Anytime fren. Have a good break!