Law starts with rights. If law is infringing upon rights then that law is null and void.
Another thing to consider:
All three come from the same source and have studies the same hairsplitting shit the Pharisees and Scribes were known for. And we have read who these people have nailed to the cross. It is these people who found ways around property laws they were bound to keep, like the 10 commandments.
law 1-3 are property laws. Why? God bought them from slavery in Egypt, this includes keep holy the sabbath.
Bering false witness = lying = stealing someone else's property: good name or goods.
Fucking around with someone else's wife = stealing.
Honoring your parents is simply put a property law obligation due to the allodial title parents have on their children, as it is their energy that is transformed into a child.the fruit of the belly. It might be called sweat equity. Sweat in terms of the potential, conception, bearing and having it born. Not to mention the raising and rearing.
It is quite simple. Lack of honor to property leads to immorality. Hairsplitting on these matters leads to immorality.
Logic then dictates that by using the same type of people, the result is the same.
Law starts with rights. If law is infringing upon rights then that law is null and void.
Another thing to consider:
All three come from the same source and have studies the same hairsplitting shit the Pharisees and Scribes were known for. And we have read who these people have nailed to the cross. It is these people who found ways around property laws they were bound to keep, like the 10 commandments.
law 1-3 are property laws. Why? God bought them from slavery in Egypt, this includes keep holy the sabbath. Bering false witness = lying = stealing someone else's property: good name or goods. Fucking around with someone else's wife = stealing. Honoring your parents is simply put a property law obligation due to the allodial title parents have on their children, as it is their energy that is transformed into a child.the fruit of the belly. It might be called sweat equity. Sweat in terms of the potential, conception, bearing and having it born. Not to mention the raising and rearing.
It is quite simple. Lack of honor to property leads to immorality. Hairsplitting on these matters leads to immorality.
Logic then dictates that by using the same type of people, the result is the same.
The solution is quite obvious.