Not that I can recall. I've only been researching on this the past few months and there's so much to take in. It goes so deep. It's nice to be able to start putting some of the pieces together with this spiritual war against humanity and to understand how some of the main players in the deep state have gained, maintened and expanded their power and control and why they are the way they are spirituality. It's important to expose their manipulation of the term Jew and seperate them in the minds away from God's people. Because their intentions I believe are to eventually sway society into believing it was the actual jews who orchestrated all this harm perpetuated onto mankind...all the while sneeking out the back into the darkness and never to be exposed. I'm super tired so I really hope this makes any sense.😆 if I come across some info that relates to your questions at hand, I'll be sure to pass it along.
And so many evangelical Christians have been swept up in Zionism and view it as vital to the church when in reality the church is not Jewish. The jews rejected the Messiah and Jerusalem was utterly destroyed because of their sin, and the gospel went forth to the nations, grafted in thru Christ. I figure the Palestinians likely have Hebrew genetics and potentially many in Europe and the US. I'd read that one post on the Welsh language being identical to some old Hebrew (I think) and also finding some native American stuff in the same written language, so has potential interest. But I have no idea.
Yes we have all been fooled by them in one way or another. Interesting when you pointed out how Palestians could be posibly traced back to the Hebrew blood. This makes sense when all that's happened and how the khazarians in high political positions around the world always side with Isreal against them.
Also it's been discovered that the DOD was funding biolabs in Ukraine since 2005 and and they in particular only wanted participants who had ethnic Russian blood in a probable attempt to discover a way to eliminate the Russian gene. I'm not saying they are identical circumstances but these people sure seem to work together to eliminate those they feel threatened by.
Makes you wonder what actually happened in WW2 in regards to the jews. I just read this article on how " Khazarian Mafia Caused WW2 | Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England"
Not that I can recall. I've only been researching on this the past few months and there's so much to take in. It goes so deep. It's nice to be able to start putting some of the pieces together with this spiritual war against humanity and to understand how some of the main players in the deep state have gained, maintened and expanded their power and control and why they are the way they are spirituality. It's important to expose their manipulation of the term Jew and seperate them in the minds away from God's people. Because their intentions I believe are to eventually sway society into believing it was the actual jews who orchestrated all this harm perpetuated onto mankind...all the while sneeking out the back into the darkness and never to be exposed. I'm super tired so I really hope this makes any sense.😆 if I come across some info that relates to your questions at hand, I'll be sure to pass it along.
And so many evangelical Christians have been swept up in Zionism and view it as vital to the church when in reality the church is not Jewish. The jews rejected the Messiah and Jerusalem was utterly destroyed because of their sin, and the gospel went forth to the nations, grafted in thru Christ. I figure the Palestinians likely have Hebrew genetics and potentially many in Europe and the US. I'd read that one post on the Welsh language being identical to some old Hebrew (I think) and also finding some native American stuff in the same written language, so has potential interest. But I have no idea.
Yes we have all been fooled by them in one way or another. Interesting when you pointed out how Palestians could be posibly traced back to the Hebrew blood. This makes sense when all that's happened and how the khazarians in high political positions around the world always side with Isreal against them.
Also it's been discovered that the DOD was funding biolabs in Ukraine since 2005 and and they in particular only wanted participants who had ethnic Russian blood in a probable attempt to discover a way to eliminate the Russian gene. I'm not saying they are identical circumstances but these people sure seem to work together to eliminate those they feel threatened by.
Makes you wonder what actually happened in WW2 in regards to the jews. I just read this article on how " Khazarian Mafia Caused WW2 | Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England"
I feel everything we have been told about this war has been lies.