Trump's plan to revoke birthright citizenship is a good start, but how do we fix the problem of the one's already here? Well it's simple really. A combination of mass deportation, and elimination of incentive.
Operation Wetback is a good example of mass deportation. several million illegals deported a year for several years. So that part is absurdly simple since we just have to follow the proven example we already have.
As for the elimination of incentives, well that's also simple. Cut off the government benefits they get and make it impossible for them to actually live here. If all the illegals can no longer receive subsidized housing, get a job (Make it a felony to hire illegals at the federal level and give the former ATF staff something to do), buy property, etc. etc.
This can be done through a variety of methods. Reforming social programs, like requiring them to actually look for a job and cutting them off after a certain point (this applies to more than just illegals), forbid banks from dealing with illegals, create incentives for reporting such illegal activity (report a business dealing with illegals and get a "bounty" if you will. This was actually done during operation wetback). etc. etc.
Do all of this, and combine that with the fact that the CIA won't be actively destroying their home countries, and they'll either be forcibly deported or just deport themselves since there's no longer an incentive.
And this applies to more than just illegals. Really and truly, this can apply to just about any demographic. Reduce the incentive to have a dozen children among the ghettos (regardless of race), and all of a sudden the culture cultivated among the inner city thugs and "undesirables" (SNAP Queens and whatnot) will dry up within a few years since they can no longer milk the system by being an unmarried single mother with a dozen kids.
Now combine ALL of this with the rising birthrates among the religious Christian demographic, as well as the fact that we're currently in the middle of a religious revival (meaning more people are turning to God and becoming very religious Christians that fall into this demographic category), and within a generation or two, we'll have completely reversed all of the attempted forced demographic changes that the cabal has been trying to force down our throats for the last several decades.
Most of this applies to the US, and to a lesser extent Canada, but the general plan could be applied to Europe as well. Though the cultural differences would require they adapt it to their situations.
Anyway, just an epiphany I had after watching Trump's speech about ending Birthright Citizenship. It just all occurred to me how simple of a fix this would be once we get rid of all the corrupt politicians facilitating this crap.
Yep, the last time I renewed mine I had to do that.