posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer +27 / -0

I am not as versed on the Q posts as others are here. Did Q mention AI in any of the posts?

Writing this because AI is coming for a lot of jobs. Being in the Seattle area I know some tech people who work on AI and the stuff they tell me about has huge implications for society.

AI will (or at least will have the capability to) replace a large percentage of the work force especially jobs that have to do with analyzing data and statistics for example. With so many people potentially losing their jobs to AI is their a plan to help those people. AI has the potential to be the 3rd biggest revolution in history after the agricultural and industrial revolution.

Will large amounts of people losing their livelihoods to AI be a precipice? Or will AI to a capacity along with a new blockchain monetary and financial system be used to free humanity from the central bank tax slave system?

Would love to here your thoughts on this because these implications are fascinating to me as I have started to read more about AI.