We don't know when it will happen, but we do know it will happen. Eventually, the 'plan' will come to fruition. And I'm sure we all want to be at our healthiest and best when that happens.
I was thinking that perhaps we could have an ongoing thread where those interested would post their routines and even questions about how each of us can be our healthiest. I'm sure there are those here who are bodybuilders, for instance. Perhaps they could post about what they do, what they eat, etc. There are probably those who want to get in better shape. Perhaps they could post questions specific to their concerns and the frens could answer.
For instance, I would love to know what my fellow frogs are doing on a daily or weekly basis to keep fit.
Exercising? (What kind)
Eating a certain way? (what, specifically)
Taking supplements? (which ones)
Let's help each other get as strong as we can, physically and mentally. And if people are interested in this idea and would like to partake, I will eventually post some info about our spiritual health, as well. What do you say, frogs? Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life? Let's gooo!
Yes, indeed. It seems the solution is to find one job that allows you to make enough money you can drop the other one. Easier said than done, I know. Are you familiar with Dave Ramsey? If not, I highly suggest you look him up and see if his concepts will help you. All the best, fren.
Yup, I know Ramsey and Robert Kiyosaki.
The problem for me isn’t money, it’s an obsession with staying busy and loving my work. Although, I can relate to working my ass off and not feeling like I’m getting anywhere.
What I’ve learned over the years is when you find yourself in that position and you’ve exhausted all avenues within that work environment to increase your revenue it’s time to pivot, BUT you MUST be SMART about it. When you decide to pivot you need to know that whatever route you’re taking will either pay more right out of the gate or has a well defined path for upper mobility. If starting a business, have a strong business plan with realistic revenue projections and if you’re going to work for someone be sure to ask about advancement within the company and what are the requirements to advance.
This will probably be the hardest thing for some people👇🏼
It’s important to be a “glass is half full” type person. If you’re not that type of person you need to reevaluate and make that mental change. Life is difficult and regardless of how well things might be going it will always throw you a curveball. If you aren’t a positive person those curveballs will kick you square in the nuts and it will be that much more difficult to figure your way out.
Other than that, remember to enjoy what you do have. Love your children and find a way to spend time with them. If you’re tired SUCK IT UP and give them what they need. Love your wife and do your absolute best to not let the stresses of work and money affect that relationship, it’s hard, I know.. But the #1 thing you can do to be happy is release your problems to God. This was the hardest lesson I’ve ever had to learn, but once I learnt what that truly means I was able to be more consistently happy no matter what life threw at me😎
Patriot teacher, who loves America and hates pedophiles! I am proud to be teaching children to love their country and think critically. IMO part of the cabal's plan is to make real teachers so broke they cant unite.
My friend I am so damn grateful for the work you’re doing! THANK YOU🇺🇸
Needed that today :) I know that parochial teachers make even less, but I started teaching after 35. I still do not make what I used to make in the private sector. Up until Biden, my wife and I could save a little each month.
I'm sure a lot of folks here would appreciate hearing what you learned about casting your cares on God and HOW you did that. Thanks!
I’ll try to post that here today. It’s definitely worth the time to write because it had a profound impact on my life.
Wonderful. Thank you.