By the logic of the BATF, if you own an AR-15, and also own a separate short barreled upper, they considered it intent to break the law even if they have zero evidence that have ever assembled them together. This was common until the popularity of AR pistols. Owning a pistol version of an AR-15 would circumvent the intent, even if you had multiple short barrel AR uppers. However, if you do not own a pistol version AR and own a short barrel version upper and a rifle version AR, they can still prosecute. Using this logic, if you own an automobile and possess alcohol, you have intent to drink and drive. This is the logic that the BATF has applied and continues to apply. All this being said, I have spoken to ATF agents in the past and I can honestly say that the guys in the field are not all in agreement with the rules and regulations of the management. They follow the rules as they have sworn to do, but they aren't bad people. Don't attack the low level agents. I have a sneaking suspicion that many of them will easily side with Patriots when the corruption is fully exposed, the same as the vast majority of normies.
By the logic of the BATF, if you own an AR-15, and also own a separate short barreled upper, they considered it intent to break the law even if they have zero evidence that have ever assembled them together. This was common until the popularity of AR pistols. Owning a pistol version of an AR-15 would circumvent the intent, even if you had multiple short barrel AR uppers. However, if you do not own a pistol version AR and own a short barrel version upper and a rifle version AR, they can still prosecute. Using this logic, if you own an automobile and possess alcohol, you have intent to drink and drive. This is the logic that the BATF has applied and continues to apply. All this being said, I have spoken to ATF agents in the past and I can honestly say that the guys in the field are not all in agreement with the rules and regulations of the management. They follow the rules as they have sworn to do, but they aren't bad people. Don't attack the low level agents. I have a sneaking suspicion that many of them will easily side with Patriots when the corruption is fully exposed, the same as the vast majority of normies.