A question that I have been pondering for awhile concerning Q drop 60. Less than 10 have the full picture with only 3 being non-military
Reading that it appears to state than 9 people or less have the full picture. 3 are non-military and up to 6 are military.
I was making some assumptions that I questioning now. I am simply considering that idea. Not buying into it.
The question I have is this. Of the less than 10 how many are Americans? I just assumed they all were.
Do we really think that the (up to) 6 military that are completely in the know are all in the American military? Even President Trump may not be one of the 3 non-military. https://qposts.online/?q=60&s=postnum
There must be a lot that know SOMETHING is happening (Saudi Arabia, Russia, IRan) but may not be part of the actual Q intelligence team. And there may be dozens or even hundreds of teams with Q being just a small part. The part that conveys info to anons. Not the part that takes over countries or arrests and eliminates baddies (no meme, Bush sr.)