A question that I have been pondering for awhile concerning Q drop 60. Less than 10 have the full picture with only 3 being non-military
Reading that it appears to state than 9 people or less have the full picture. 3 are non-military and up to 6 are military.
I was making some assumptions that I questioning now. I am simply considering that idea. Not buying into it.
The question I have is this. Of the less than 10 how many are Americans? I just assumed they all were.
Do we really think that the (up to) 6 military that are completely in the know are all in the American military? Even President Trump may not be one of the 3 non-military. https://qposts.online/?q=60&s=postnum
Q and the boys cannot pull all of the strings by themselves. Yes, the 10 do have knowledge of the entire plan, but they also need people to do the grunt work. So if each of the ten have ten folks underneath them, who only have a small compartimentalized idea of a small picture, then I think that those 100 other folks must be highly vetted before they are allowed within the clic. Then those 100 are given orders, send messages, look up information, realign troops, choose flights, and other daily functions which keeps the plan on track. I don't see only 10 guys doing all of that. They are probably the best of the best four star Generals. I don't think the Q club contains privates or buck sergeants. They are highly intelligent, not given their rank by neopotism, but earned it by being smart, hard working and know how to keep their mouths shut.