A question that I have been pondering for awhile concerning Q drop 60. Less than 10 have the full picture with only 3 being non-military
Reading that it appears to state than 9 people or less have the full picture. 3 are non-military and up to 6 are military.
I was making some assumptions that I questioning now. I am simply considering that idea. Not buying into it.
The question I have is this. Of the less than 10 how many are Americans? I just assumed they all were.
Do we really think that the (up to) 6 military that are completely in the know are all in the American military? Even President Trump may not be one of the 3 non-military. https://qposts.online/?q=60&s=postnum
Yeah and his relationship with JFK jr, his past in general, he is Q+, not sure if that includes him as one of the 3 or not. I think Xi, Putin and MBS should be up there too in terms of exposure to important parts of the plan, but don’t know if they are full picture either. If you are the president of a country and were operating against evil that has been in power you’d be a prime target for infiltration/assassination (Shinzo Abe more recently, plenty of other seemingly good intentioned leaders in the past)
Editing to say that trump could have been a part of putting the team together and not needing to know all the ins and outs