They originally said that the vax would take years to produce and it was always made out to be the only way out of lockdowns so their plan was clear.
Lockdowns until the vax was fully authorised then mandatory vaxxes. They even built detainment camps for the refusers.
Because everything went wrong for the cabal. Trump did warp speed with the purpose of ending the lockdowns. Lots of people didn't take the vax because it wasn't mandatory and they didn't get as ill as those who did. The narrative couldn't hold because of the control group.
If we were all locked down and given vaxes, there would be no control group and all deaths caused by the vax would have been attributed to the disease.
They originally said that the vax would take years to produce and it was always made out to be the only way out of lockdowns so their plan was clear. Lockdowns until the vax was fully authorised then mandatory vaxxes. They even built detainment camps for the refusers.
Then why were lockdowns over before the vaccines?
Because everything went wrong for the cabal. Trump did warp speed with the purpose of ending the lockdowns. Lots of people didn't take the vax because it wasn't mandatory and they didn't get as ill as those who did. The narrative couldn't hold because of the control group.
If we were all locked down and given vaxes, there would be no control group and all deaths caused by the vax would have been attributed to the disease.
None of that answers why the lockdowns ended before the vaccines were available
I think they hoped ending the lockdowns would help spread the virus again. Hence scaring people into vaccinating.