Just read that post where Tom Fitton tweeted that the FBI will be bringing the "Biden document" to congress after FBI Director Wray was threatened with a contempt of congress charge.
To me, this brings up a few questions.
There has been a LOT of news about this document as far as I can see, for the past few weeks.
A few questions
How many people do you think would be paying attention to the "Biden document" if the Congressional Committee simply requested it and they got it straight away and then they read it into the record, etc?
What if Wray had just upped and said "sure, here it is"?
Do you think that MORE people are paying MORE attention to the document and will pay more attention to it now that there has been what looks like a standoff between the Republican congress and Wray (aka the FBI)?
That standoff has been the news of the past week, right?
So, if you are a showman, how do you attract attention and therefor interest in your show, and the performance on the stage?
Potus DJT does this ALL the time. He tweets things and brings things up in order to grab attention, highlight a focus, etc. We know that.
Generating interest and attention is one of the key potential functions of "kayfabe". To draw attention, to stir things up, so that something becomes a bigger deal than it would be if none of that kayfabe took place.
You gotta wonder. Are we watching a Congress - FBI kayfabe here? Is it possible kayfibi?
Net Effects
Whether Wray is a DS puppet or Wray is playing a role for Team DJT (and I personally lean much more towards the latter), the net effect of this <ahem> stand off between the congressional committee and the FBI is that the so-called document now has a LOT more eyes on it than otherwise would have been the case.
Anons pretty much all the time have eyes on most of this stuff, so much that it just seems normal to us now. And, we're about 3 or 4 years ahead of the rest of the population in terms of the information and putting 1 and 2 together.
But from the viewpoint of normie conservative or normie maga world, or even normie general population, I doubt there would have been as much attention on the biden document as there is right now.
Which begs the question: if Wray knew that he had to hand over the document anyway, in the end, which he would have (and as head of the FBI, you gotta think this guy is no dummy), why on earth hold it back to the extent that a contempt of congress charge would be threatened?
To protect the Biden family? I mean, really? They have to know by now that this is just totally a losing proposition. The Biden crime family's days are very clearly numbered. That should be 100% obvious.
No, this whole kerfuffle of give us doc, no, give us doc, no, give us doc or we'll charge your ass, ok. smells to me like utter kayfabe and frankly, exactly what Good ol'd Q suggested we do:
Enjoy the show.
More Questions
Trust Wray?
Q told us "Trust Wray" THREE times: q1122, q787, q433
OK, sometimes "disinfo is necesary". But three times?
What has been one focus of the major news cycles over the past 6+ months?
The FBI. The FBI fedbois participating in the J6 frameup. The Fedbois infiltration of Patriot Front and Oathkeepers, etc. FBI raid on Mar A Lago. FBI ignoring Clinton Crimes and going after DJT (Durham report).
So many things occuring that put the FBI in a really bad light. Coincidence? Doesn't the timing seem a little, well, really well orchestrated?
When DJT returns to the White House, what does he need the most with regards to the CIA and the FBI? He needs to have the public mandate. He needs the public mandate to dissolve the CIA and to either dissolve or totally overhaul the FBI.
Sure, anons have suspected and known for years just how bad these organizations have been, and how they were infiltrated and devolved or became DS bases of operations. But if the normie MAGA public don't get that, or the wider normie American population don't really have any idea of that, can Trump just go ahead and do it?
Trump's promise on the first inauguration day was this: We are returning power to you, the American people!
But what does that really mean? How effective would it be if the power was turned over to a people who are asleep at the wheel? Who care more about TV and sports and Hollywood and MSM news?
To truly return the power to the people, the people HAVE to be woken up.
How Will DJT And The White Hats Deal with the FBI?
Do they have a plan? If so, what is it? Just a plan they put together in the last few months? Or a plan put in place before it was even revealed, starting with Q in Nov 2017?
What if in fact Wray, put in place by Trump no less, has actually been playing a role? Infiltrating the FBI? Clearing it internally, but leaving pockets of corruption in place so that they can expose themselves.
If you just come out and start knocking things down, you will never weed out the sleepers, the bad elements that are buried deep and who do NOT reveal themselves unless activated.
Just like now, with the DeSantis Presidential Run, who is being exposed? All the FAKE maga people, the Conservative Incorporated pundits who actually never believed in Trump, never really appreciated Trump, but who paid lip service, but who have been going along hoping to see the day when things were put back to "normal" aka the Unaparty In Control? The Daily Callers? The Ben Shapiros? The Mark Levins? All those now coming out and dumping DJT and supporting DeSantis.
Desantis being legit Deep State or playing a role and doing Kayfabe with DJT, regardless of which of these is the reality, the NET EFFECT is that fake MAGA pundits and voices and frankly traitors are coming running out of the woodwork.
For the FBI to be reformed or overhauled, the sleepers need to be flushed out. That would take someone being put in as the head of the FBI, but playing along as IF he was in fact simply deep state, so that everything was 'normal'. Meanwhile, you slowly, slowly infiltrate and lay the traps so that the sleepers are flushed out.
Would this be one good reason for WRAY, who Q told us to 'trust', to act like a deep state operative once he was in place. I think you can sometimes get a good feel for really good kayfabe by looking at the responses of a) normie Maga and b) anons.
Understanding is Better Than Reacting
How many anons among us think that Wray is 100% deep state scum? I'm sure there are many. And yet, are those pedes reacting emotionally to the idea that wray is scum? Or are they cooly analysing and avoiding group think, and really asking other questions, as if things are not always entirely what they seem?
In a movie, it looks real, and you might react as if its real, but it's not real. If you forget it's a movie, you might just start thinking that everything you see is what it appears. That's why we love movies. We get to suspend disbelief, and escape into a story for a few hours, usually something that moves us or inspires us or entertains us.
But if you left the movie theatre, and started interacting with the world as if the movie was real, you might be inspired to do some pretty crazy and even dangerous things.
Folks, Lord of the Rings is fiction.
Q is real. I think that "You are watching a movie" does not mean everything is scripted. It means, that a LOT of things that are taking place are for show, in order to create a net effect shift in the consciousness and awareness of the American people. 5 D warfare includings psychological operations.
Distinguishing between which parts are movie, and which parts are real, that takes dispassionate analysis, cool thinking and a handbrake on simply reacting emotionally to what looks like good news or bad news, or good players and bad players. It needs us to step back and ask: IF this is a show, what is it accomplishing? What is the purpose? How is that being accomplished?
Working out our own answers to those questions not only gives us a capacity to further liberate our minds from the Cabal's matrix of lies and remove he programming they have been putting on us, it enables us to be another node in the whole network that facilitates the Great Awakening process.
Wow, I absolutely love this post. it's exactly the style of thinking we need to understand what is going on.
Yes, I agree kayfabe is everywhere and deep cover operatives are everywhere too.
Remember that it can't be easy to guess the plot of the "show" or the cabal with their mighty resources would be able to evade justice.
The actor, the plots, the kayfabe and the stings are all necessary in order for the white hats to cross the narrow bridge and beat the cabal.
Also I have had an instinct about Wray which agrees with your ideas. He could well be deep cover. Other players out there could not be. Clapper, Brennan, Strozk etc. but Wray, yes.