I would say that a perfect storm would be when the FR collapses, Banks fail, the Internet goes down, huge disclosure of Crimes against Children, and suicide weekend occurs would be the perfect time. Darkness to light when the Military takes control until election. A way to minimise victims WW

I would say it's when the jewish people wakeup to the fact that they have been co-opted and run by the Khazarian Mob who push good jewish folk out front to take hits and than hide behind the remainder screaming anti-semite, shaming is their trick. Very sophisticated inculcation here, and it has dragged along many well meaning christians with a sense of fairness to remain silent and become tools for Khazarian business interests (war) and propaganda (inculcation). This second war with Russia is over the top. Once again, Christians fighting Orthodox Christians for what? A greater Israel? Since when is Russia a jewish homeland? Since the Khazarian Mob says it is so? Once again christians and jews duped. Israel, there is a reason why they say we are saving Israel for last, it is because your country will be the only country left where the Khazarian Mob can hide; once again, your people will be used as the shield while they scream their anti-semtic diatribe. It is going to be painful for the world, but justice must be served after centuries of war and injustice.
Same as black Americans co-opted by the black boule.
Hey horse paste, you are dead on. Congrats on finding the cure through all the smoke.