I would say that a perfect storm would be when the FR collapses, Banks fail, the Internet goes down, huge disclosure of Crimes against Children, and suicide weekend occurs would be the perfect time. Darkness to light when the Military takes control until election. A way to minimise victims WW

The above Trump 2016 Campaign video is a baseline.
I think I saw it in 2016. Anyway, for reference, watch it again.
Ask yourself if it was normal for the time. I mean, Trump is talking about taking on the entire global system, saying America has only the illusion of democracy, and saying the MAGA movement is an existential threat to the global system. He said 2016 is not another 4-year election. (So then what was it?) The ad also has imagery of the US dollar being destroyed by fire. It’s absolutely unlike anything ever produced by a candidate in the history of the world.
Trump and the Military know from the beginning:
It’s not just a matter of fighting corruption.
It’s not just a matter of rigged elections and fixed primaries.
It’s not just a Republicans vs Democrats issue.
It’s the military Vs a global financial system.
It’s an economic war. Total War. World War.
Treason, rigged elections, fixed primaries, and selfish political parties are symptoms of this corrupted global financial system. And it must be dismantled and replaced with a new financial system after the destruction of the dollar. Because the Military has a Constitutional duty to fight all enemies foreign and domestic. And this enemy has subverted our money, our elections, and has occupied DC illegally through bribes. DC is Occupied Territory.
This war will be a war that will primarily be fought according to Game Theory and 5th Generation warfare, an emerging warfare that prioritizes ‘narratives’ and ‘perception’. Actual, traditional military engagements will be few.
“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.”
That’s the beauty of the Military’s war plan. They don’t have to do a lot. Just watch the idiots destroy themselves.
The enemy is in the process of destroying itself. The stupid, evil bastards are constantly trying to introduce energy policies that reduce economic activity. They constantly raise interest rates to force banks towards insolvency. They are purposely lowering the standard of living. They are purposely forcing banks to insolvency in a backdoor effort to Nationalize the banking system. They know the petrodollar is coming to an end because:
2)BRICS is the new game in town and it’s killing the Dollar.
The bad guys want Central Bank Digital Currency as its an opportunity for the bad guys to take total control.
And that’s really what this 2016-2025 war plan is all about. Prevention of a Hilary presidency. That operation was a success. The second part of this war is to prevent and co-opt the Schwab/FED plan to force a Central Bank Digital Currency.
Let’s explain ‘narratives’ and ‘perception’ further. Both sides are wanting the same thing. A new currency that isn’t the dollar. The bad guys want a digital currency that forces social credit scores and grants them total control over society. The good guys want a new currency that is without usury and can’t be devalued. Good guys want our money to be like God intended. Both the good guys and the bad guys are wanting to transition to a new currency, and they are both attempting to disseminate narratives to the world population as to why the new currency is needed. Both groups are attempting to change the perception of as many people as possible. Over the next year, it will be almost impossible to determine who is the top dog. Because the good guys and bad guys are each trying to set the other group up as a patsy. This war is at a point where the bad guys are having cold feet, and the bad guys know they are being set up as patsies. The bad guys know they have a losing hand but they have no choice but to play it out.
And Trump is just the figurehead that will take the arrows and slings. First he will take arrows from the Democrats starting in 2016 through 2020, and then from Republican leadership in 2024. I believe the Military plan anticipated Trump to lose in 2020 and again lose the 2024 Primary or election.
But it’s the Military that wins in 2025 or later. If everything works out, it might be possible for the Military to act sooner.
So when military makes the final move, it will appear as though a neutral Military operation has arrested a corrupt and unpopular Democrat President. A President (and patsy) that seemingly bankrupted the country due to incompetency and corruption. Then Declassification of crimes will happen. Confessions of criminals will be broadcast. Executions of criminals will be broadcast.
The final part of this Military operation is financial and requires transitioning from the Petrodollar to a new currency. Possibly but not necessarily the BRICS currency. I actually think we will be transitioned to something like BRICS but not BRICS because the world needs friendly competition. The Eastern world can stay on BRICS, and everyone else will use the 1776 Dollar.
The best Game Theory state to be in is Nash Equilibrium for both players. Nash equilibrium in game theory is a situation in which a player will continue with their chosen strategy, having no incentive to deviate from it, after taking into consideration the opponent's strategy. The problem we are in now is that the Cabal, if we consider it to be a payer, is almost irrational and definitely Malthusian. We need to not only transition to a new currency, but we need to replace the Deep State with a new player who is rational and not Malthusian and not evil. We are basically going to kick one player from the game, and introduce ourselves as the new, rational, and non-Malthusian player.
Remember, Trump visited the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Saudi Arabia. For a strategic reason.
Trump visited North Korea to release Kim from the control of the CIA.
Trump visited the Vatican and London to tell the financial leaders they were under military discipline.
Finally, for those of you who are religious and Calvinist, notice that BRICS is an alliance of five nations. This would be one leg with a foot balanced on five toes. If the reformed Dollar also consists of five similarly sized nations, that would be the other leg with a foot balanced on five toes. The new world will consist of 10 large nations, acting like toes, to balance the world upon two feet. Some interpret Bible prophecy as saying Daniel also talks about a future world order of 10 toes, inferring two feet. A world of bipolarity, and like a man walks when both legs co-operate, so will the new world walk, two legs operating in unison.
This is not to say the new Nash Equilibrium of BRICS / Dollar will be evil, but it will definitely be the last world system. God alone knows when he will send Christ back and begin the End Times.
If Christ tarries, and Armageddon doesn't happen for a certain length of time, then this Nash Equilibrium would allow for an era of historic peace and prosperity. There could also be an ironic backfire, where within days of the Plan successfully dethroning the Cabal, we realized we replaced the Devil we knew for a Devil we didn't know. And some believe that Bible prophecy is only symbolic or was fulfilled in the first century destruction of Israel. This is the final discussion of Prophecy because I doubt there is agreement in this community about Prophecy. And because God alone knows if we have hours or millennia before Christ returns. And again, some believe that Christ will return to reward the earth, and others believe that Christ will return as the Wine-press of God's Righteous Anger.
This current global financial system cannot be reformed. Entire financial system, world wide, needs to be forcibly shut down, and immediately replaced with an actual currency that’s not inflationary and not usury. The debt can never be repaid. We want to end the FED.
Republic will be restored and the Federal Reserve has no future.
Those that hate democracy have similar goals of transitioning the global economy towards a new digital currency.
The boss is either the Military or Deep State. Ultimately only one will get to decide when to transition the world economy, what triggers the transition, and who is in control after the transition. This is why the military is keeping a low profile, because they have to make it look like the coming financial collapse is because of the incompetence of the WEF and similar groups.
The FED/ WEF want to do the same thing, really, the world financial system wants digital currency and they believe they can force it upon America via energy policy and war.
It’s apparent that the Biden administration is purposely introducing energy policy that reduces economic activity. Purposely raising interest rates to force banks to the point of insolvency. Forcing FDIC receivership of large banks, and forcing an outflow of wealth from small regional banks. It’s a back door Federalization of the banking system. They are planning another 2008 financial banking failure similar to the Lehman Brothers failure that sparked the world recession.
Also, consider what the Klaus Schwab and Lynn de Rothschild had planned for the 2016 Clinton presidency.
Today, the Military has more sway than the WEF and FED. Military controls Yellen. This is a war of perception.
Military wants control over banks to make transitioning easier, also allows them to shutdown money laundering operations to Antifa and BLM.
Congress has funded billions of dollars to Ukraine but military has control over it all.
We are no longer fighting a defined adversary in a defined battle-space for a defined period of time. Instead, the 5th generation mission space is a continuous global battle of narratives that will play out over both virtual and physical space...
Fighting covertly, with Trump sidelined for four years, the Military can still take every offensive action they need to take, only they never publicly declare it’s the Military taking action.
It just appears like the Democrats are incompetent.
Trump is still President at the Winter White House. He has the Nuclear Codes. Military is reporting to him. Trump is just as popular and able to address the Public. However, he is isolated from any economic blow-back caused by military action taken against the economic interests of our enemies.
Biden is not recognized by the chain of command. Biden is a lame-duck.
China is stupid, they expended tremendous time, money, and media to defeat Trump at the ballot box, yet they received nothing for it. They got locked out. In fact, if anything, China won the most Pyrrhic victory in the history of the world. And on top of it, the Military can now treat all of DC as a Captured City under Belligerent Occupation.
But covertly, the Military forces all Vatican departments to close their investment accounts and stock holdings in foreign banks.
Military covertly forces the Justice Department to arrest Bankman-Fried and shut down his digital currency exchange.
Military covertly closes Banks such as Silicon Valley Bank similarly to how it closed Union Banking Corporation in 1942, only the FDIC receivership of the bank is publicly attributed to insolvency and not the request of a General.
Military forces NATO and CIA to fight a suicidal war against Russia with bad intel and sabotaged weapons.
Russia likewise sends all unpatriotic Military and intelligence agents to Ukraine.
Trump and Putin laugh as the Deep State are forced to dig their own graves in Ukraine.
Military force CNN to broadcast a Trump town hall debate with a friendly audience. CNN is forced to dig their own graves.
Perception and narrative. Military forces Fox News to free their Golden Goose.
Twitter is purchased by Elon Musk, who promptly publicly discloses the DHS and Government control mechanisms and fires almost everyone involved with narrative control.
And so it continues.