Hollywoke is going broke. There is no such thing as a blockbuster anymore. Most new films are unwatchable garbage and even big marketing dollars don’t draw interest. The recent Disney bomb , The Little Mermaid, is proof. Nothing Disney produces is any good, and even if it was there are too many people who want nothing to do with increasing their bottom line...
Like anything else, film is not dead, it is just temporarily out of sorts because it has lost its mission...
I think we can look forward to the death of the old guard and the emergence of something entirely new...
The worst is the "no fault" divorce. No need to prove adultery or cruelty or anything at all! One party could basically say "I divorce you" three times, and the partner has no choice. The children ripped from their parents by . . . any reason or no reason.
Thank Ronald Reagan for that one, and for vaccine manufacture immunity. I liked the Gipper, but he really didn't think some of these things through.