posted ago by The_Knight_of_sunset ago by The_Knight_of_sunset +41 / -8

Just a bit of a devil's advocate post here (been doing this a lot lately it seems.):

I think we should back down from attacking MTG and other reps who voted for the debt deal for now.

It seems, based on the angry and temperamental posts on Truth Social, that the whole movement became real emotional and temperamental over the debt deal, to the point where they are lashing out needlessly and alienating (potential) allies.

Recall a previous post where I have pointed here:


I have mentioned before that if this debt deal is so disastrous and wrong as they say, then it is really odd that Trump did not utter a single word so far about the deal. A quick updated search, done today, on his Truth Social revealed that this is still true: Trump still has not mentioned the debt deal at all. And if he does not mention it now, then it is now unlikely that he'll bring it up for the foreseeable future. This is probably evidence that the deal is not as bad as what people on Truth Social, especially the social media influencers, say.

If Trump does not mention or quip about the debt deal, then we should probably follow his example and drop the issue until he gives the go ahead. And we should probably stop attacking the Reps who voted for the deal as RINOs since it can be implied that Trump is a RINO through his silence and inaction on the issue.

If you need a hint on what we should be focusing on: his practically nonstop-posting about exposing Ron DeSantis should give you a clue.

Speaking about MTG specifically, I have been notified about her backpedaling over the Jan 6th Tapes release.

I know people are turning against her over this and the debt deal, but I do think we should back off for now on this issue too. At this point in the game, what point the tapes will serve?

If it is to dismantle completely the narrative around Jan 6th, the entire trove of tapes might be unnecessary for the job. The narrative has crumbled with whatever evidence we have right now and the small portion that Tucker Carlson did a good enough job that further releases might not be too helpful. Plus, consider the possibility if we have released the full archives of the tapes, but the release then does not have the impact or results we wanted. What happens then? We blew a potentially powerful card that we will not get back and we might not have the guaranteed desired results.

Plus, there is the possibility that maybe she is telling the truth that uncontrolled releases of the Jan 6th tapes might put innocent people in jeopardy and that she probably do not want that on her record.

A last minor point on this issue is that Trump is also strangely silent on the Jan 6th tapes issue too. If that is the case, then maybe we should follow his lead on this issue too and drop it until he gives the go ahead.

Lastly, I want to talk about influencers. They are great at delivering news to you all, but keep in mind that there is a big possibility that they don't vet their news sources well. There is also a big possibility that you will not get in-depth analysis on the situation and rely on emotional hot-takes that generate even more emotion, activity, and possibly income. Influencers rely on their audiences for attention and income; you will not hear them saying anything that will risk all of that, even though it is something that NEEDS to be said. Therefore, if the influencers continue to peddle toxic-emotions without anything else meaningful, then I suggest start unfollowing some of them. They probably wouldn't even notice at all.