Sorry but anyone who believes this garbage is either controlled opposition or not very bright.
Let's think about this logically. They spied on, undermined his administration, Released a bio weapon and stole an election in front of the world and all for what ? To get rid of the guy they have control over already ?
Makes about as much sense as there being 97 genders
Plus... Why would then need to do an op like this? They had total control already. Just let Hillary win, complete the 16 year plan to enslave and depopulate. 95% of the people were completely unaware.
If this was really the play by the pedophile death cult, they failed miserably.
Sorry but anyone who believes this garbage is either controlled opposition or not very bright.
Let's think about this logically. They spied on, undermined his administration, Released a bio weapon and stole an election in front of the world and all for what ? To get rid of the guy they have control over already ?
Makes about as much sense as there being 97 genders
Plus... Why would then need to do an op like this? They had total control already. Just let Hillary win, complete the 16 year plan to enslave and depopulate. 95% of the people were completely unaware.
If this was really the play by the pedophile death cult, they failed miserably.
*98 genders.
You are not understanding, the puppets get to fight for control, the actual bloodline who runs it all gets final say.