posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +40 / -0


The donation is awarded to an organization with a strict process for verifying whether business owners are gay.

The NGLCC enforces a stringent process to verify whether business owners are gay. Applicants for NGLCC certification must provide documentation to prove LGBTQ affiliation, which can be satisfied with a “letter from three personal references attesting to LGBTQ status of business owner(s),” a “Physician/therapist carry letter or letter confirming transgender status,” or “Bills and/or forms for gender affirmation surgery,” among other records. The chamber then sends a “trained site visitor” to corroborate the application.

So apparently “self-id” isn’t good enough? They need to probe into your sex life to see if you qualify for their degeneracy award?