What a shame. So much hope and potential when we are young, and some people eagerly follow the slippery slope.
I never give up hope, but unless you're still close there's not much one can do to rescue one like her.
I recognized someone I knew in high school, who recently was photographed with Adam Schiff. She has no clue who he really is. A few years ago I wouldn't have either, but my path has led me to very different social circles.
What a shame. So much hope and potential when we are young, and some people eagerly follow the slippery slope.
I never give up hope, but unless you're still close there's not much one can do to rescue one like her.
I recognized someone I knew in high school, who recently was photographed with Adam Schiff. She has no clue who he really is. A few years ago I wouldn't have either, but my path has led me to very different social circles.