Moreover, they will delegate it to someone else, as they like to do in Langley [the CIA headquarters],” said Medvedev. “They will give the order to some radical low-lifes to do away with the drug addict [Zelensky] for treason against Ukraine and the Bandera cause, and then hang him by his feet along with his henchmen,”
Zelenskyy allows and encourages war crimes. He is a very bad person. Anyone who helps him is no better.
Sounds ok by me... but then what monster do they replace him with?
USA and UK are now viewed as legitimate military targets in Russia. They are aware who is behind Zelenski.
If any idiot politician declares war against Russia, which they have not yet done, as the current war is a proxy-war, then it is over for London and Washington. Currently, Washington post is walking back US' involvement in the Pipeline bombing by pretending that Ukraine was behind it all along.
Here is a newsweek article trying to stoke up a little support for Ukraine.
Jon Jackson (qualified in journalism, not military theory) is right in one respect: This is a gamechanger. Ukrainians have lost two entire brigades in the last four days during the forced-by-the-West offensive.
Globohomo drug addict has no cards to play. I believe Medvedev is correct and his only option is to use the weapons he's been given. Especially after this counter faggotry is the only thing the media can talk about.
This is why we have career politicians. They are slaves. The only way out is in a box.
I think Zelenski ranks pretty high in the globahomo hierarchy, maybe even high enough that they can't kill him.
I think he is becoming a hazard, as the forces that be, realize the consequences of a full mobilization in Russia, intended to fight NATO. Right now they are still in Special Military Operation mode, but War will be an entirely different matter. The easiest thing to do is to blame Zelenski, so that (((they))) can save face.
He is in the J club. But even he is disposable
Just like Trotsky was.