So you call me Doomer.... It is actually called not been NAIVE. I only count a win, when I am holding the severed head of my enemy in my hand.
Also a doomer would tell you, it isn't worth to do anything... it isn't going to work.
Here is what I am tell you. FIGHT HARDER! Your enemies are fucking titans. Pretty words and virtue signaling accomplishes jack shit. Volunteer to go count votes. Run for office. Campaign as hard as it takes. Fucking WIN! Or at the very least, make a plan for resistance with a few trusted people.
So you call me Doomer.... It is actually called not been NAIVE. I only count a win, when I am holding the severed head of my enemy in my hand.
Also a doomer would tell you, it isn't worth to do anything... it isn't going to work.
Here is what I am tell you. FIGHT HARDER! Your enemies are fucking titans. Pretty words and virtue signaling accomplishes jack shit. Volunteer to go count votes. Run for office. Campaign as hard as it takes. Fucking WIN! Or at the very least, make a plan for resistance with a few trusted people.