People are so brainwashed today they don’t even know the anus is not a sex organ, and the gays only started sodomizing each other in their assholes because they didn’t have any way to imitate natural heterosexual love. It all starts from a place of mockery and imitation of the natural. Even the way gays claim they aren’t heterosexual, and then have these gay relationships where one takes on the butch masculine role and the other the submissive femme role. Uh, hello? I thought you guys weren’t straight, but even when you pretend to be gay, you still can’t help acting out normal heterosexuality. Doesn’t that tell them anything? It’s like every fiber of their being is yearning to be straight and they keep suppressing that natural instinct because of what? Childhood sexual trauma? A distorted fetish? Revenge on their parents? An addiction to the taboo? Social pressure? Because I don’t think these people are as “gay” as they think they are. Tweak one variable in their past and most of them probably turn out straight.
People are so brainwashed today they don’t even know the anus is not a sex organ, and the gays only started sodomizing each other in their assholes because they didn’t have any way to imitate natural heterosexual love. It all starts from a place of mockery and imitation of the natural. Even the way gays claim they aren’t heterosexual, and then have these gay relationships where one takes on the butch masculine role and the other the submissive femme role. Uh, hello? I thought you guys weren’t straight, but even when you pretend to be gay, you still can’t help acting out normal heterosexuality. Doesn’t that tell them anything? It’s like every fiber of their being is yearning to be straight and they keep suppressing that natural instinct because of what? Childhood sexual trauma? A distorted fetish? Revenge on their parents? An addiction to the taboo? Social pressure? Because I don’t think these people are as “gay” as they think they are. Tweak one variable in their past and most of them probably turn out straight.