I did some digging on his Instagram. He posted his vax card he got double jabbed with Moderna in 2021. Who knows if he got boosters too. He was a Trump supporter and even posted anti pharma stuff so it boggles my mind he took the jab smh
I take no credit anon, it's a sad state of affairs. I saw a friend of mine recently, she was one of 3 friends initially that all ended up at hospital fearing a heart attack shortly after the first vax.
Whilst I was with her, the palpitations started again after months of nothing, it was bad enough I literally heard it take her breath away. My best guess is subclinical myocarditis, but how do you tell them what you think?
I don't know fren, but you should be proud that all of the inhumanity that we have witnessed has not defeated the humanity that you have inside. Thanks for staying human.
TY fren, you too. Incidentally I have just learned of two other people kinda within my social group (well known amongst us but not friends to me precisely) who have passed within the last day.
The group of friends talking about it are all vaxxed, we just lost a real close friend of mine to cancer about 2 months ago, none of them are connecting the dots or are too scared to connect the dots. When it started I tried to inform the group to the point where I know they all agreed not to bring the topic up around me so as I didn't go off on one and nag them.
The tables are slowly turning and it's horrible to watch!
I am experiencing the same. I don't say anything because like you said, "none of them are connecting the dots or are too scared to connect the dots". That sentence articulates what I haven't been able to put into words.
I have, tho, seen miraculous healing, so what the enemy uses for evil, our Good Father uses to His glory.
Not strictly true anon, I believe (and stand to be corrected) he helped invent the method of delivery by using the LNP's to wrap the Mrna up in, but not the covid vax as a whole.
No I can't provide evidence of an isolated live virus, all we have is an Insilco computer generated (96% best fit) sequence of about 30k base pairs which was uploaded to a Chinese database on the 10th Jan 2020 and labelled SARS - COV - 2.
I did some digging on his Instagram. He posted his vax card he got double jabbed with Moderna in 2021. Who knows if he got boosters too. He was a Trump supporter and even posted anti pharma stuff so it boggles my mind he took the jab smh
Thanks for that info, I thought he would be.
That's freaking outstanding fren.
I take no credit anon, it's a sad state of affairs. I saw a friend of mine recently, she was one of 3 friends initially that all ended up at hospital fearing a heart attack shortly after the first vax.
Whilst I was with her, the palpitations started again after months of nothing, it was bad enough I literally heard it take her breath away. My best guess is subclinical myocarditis, but how do you tell them what you think?
I don't know fren, but you should be proud that all of the inhumanity that we have witnessed has not defeated the humanity that you have inside. Thanks for staying human.
TY fren, you too. Incidentally I have just learned of two other people kinda within my social group (well known amongst us but not friends to me precisely) who have passed within the last day.
The group of friends talking about it are all vaxxed, we just lost a real close friend of mine to cancer about 2 months ago, none of them are connecting the dots or are too scared to connect the dots. When it started I tried to inform the group to the point where I know they all agreed not to bring the topic up around me so as I didn't go off on one and nag them.
The tables are slowly turning and it's horrible to watch!
I am experiencing the same. I don't say anything because like you said, "none of them are connecting the dots or are too scared to connect the dots". That sentence articulates what I haven't been able to put into words.
I have, tho, seen miraculous healing, so what the enemy uses for evil, our Good Father uses to His glory.
Amen fren.
So, I aske a couple of people if they knew who Dr. Robert Malone was.
Not a confirmation among 4 different people.
The guy invented MNRNA vaccines? Right ???
Not strictly true anon, I believe (and stand to be corrected) he helped invent the method of delivery by using the LNP's to wrap the Mrna up in, but not the covid vax as a whole.
OK, he invented the genetic method used in MRNA vaccines, but did not invent the immoral act of using it for gain of function in a pandemic.
if thats what we want to believe. none of us can prove what vectors were used to create the flu like symptoms.
if you can produce any evidence that the covid virus can be isolated and is real, we all would appreaciate it..... All 6 Billion of us.
No I can't provide evidence of an isolated live virus, all we have is an Insilco computer generated (96% best fit) sequence of about 30k base pairs which was uploaded to a Chinese database on the 10th Jan 2020 and labelled SARS - COV - 2.
We'll get there.
I loved breaking bad, I totally do not remember this actor? What did he play???
He played one of the guys Walt had assassinated in prison. He was the first to meet with Hank after Mike died, fishing for a deal.
He played Dennis at the laundromat where a meth lab was IIRC.
Thank you, I just couldn't place him?
vaxed i bet
Apparently so.