Pfizer is killing your Family for Profit – Gov. proves 92% of COVID Deaths were among the Triple+ Vaccinated in 2022
The UK government has released official figures that show a shocking truth: the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022, and 9 in every 10 C…
So the figures are:
They can always claim that the vaccinated are 99.9% of the population so it’s hard to find anyone who is unvaccinated and that’s why they seem to never die. But the real figure isn’t 99.9%.
The above page shows that depending on the age group the vaccinated group is between: 70% - 75%.
That means: the vaccinated group is 2.3x - 4x bigger than unvaccinated. Let’s say 3x.
That means: there should be around 3*125 = 375 deaths among the vaccinated, instead of 2,000(+)
Trick people to inject themselves with toxins. Rely on people’s God-given immune systems to save them. Take the credit for God’s gifts to us, make money off of it, and convince yourself you are saving lives. This is the state of our failed medical industry.
100% of those that died from the VAXXX believed the planet was over populated. It was actually developed to prevent man made global warming.
The data are telling, but comparing absolute death figures is a distortion. The numbers really need to be adjusted to reflect deaths per 100,000. It would probably still be bad for the vaxxed, but not to the same degree.