Are things really what they simply appear on the surface?
If Biden had been proven corrupt in Jan 2020, what would be the result?
Either there is a massive sting operation underway, or there isn't. Too much data points to the idea that there is. (And even Rudy has to say what he has to say, and play the role properly. He can't just blurt out, "oh, by the way, we've been working on this RICO case for about 5 years now, in secret.")
Biden and the Biden crime family are the most perfect representatives of the swamp to have as an actual President of the United States. Because ALL the evidence against them is so damningly clear. But Biden is such a small fish in this whole pool. The real targets include Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, but even more importantly, the entire swamp cabal system which has been hiding them and all the previous criminals for decades and even centuries, in plain sight.
IMO, Biden is simply the entry point. And, that entry point needed to be full spin front and center, as the POTUS, to show just how corrupt the WHOLE system has been. Meanwhile, DJT is insulated optically, because (supposedly) the DOJ etc under Biden, not to mention the Swamp during the DJT administration, has been after him every day, every month, every year.
We are getting very close now to the tables being turned. And when they are, the majority of the country will not be able to say anything against Trump and also the radicalized swamp will not be able to say anything against the real justice that will be brought against the aforementioned targets, including Obama, the Bushes, etc.
If you think Rudy coming out with this bombshell just now is coincidence, or random, or unplanned, I've got a letter for you:
ok ok I hear you and don’t necessarily disagree. I think my point was more of even if there has been a secret sting op etc, stfu and release shit. This just wait til next Tuesday is lame . It’s the I’m relaxing the kraken …..still waiting on the kraken if you get my drift.
We are either dead on or we will wake up in a dark world soon. We are putting a lot of faith into a “movie” God help us if we are just part of the extras at the end and the movies credits end with thank you comrades
Or...... is it all timing?
Are things really what they simply appear on the surface?
If Biden had been proven corrupt in Jan 2020, what would be the result?
Either there is a massive sting operation underway, or there isn't. Too much data points to the idea that there is. (And even Rudy has to say what he has to say, and play the role properly. He can't just blurt out, "oh, by the way, we've been working on this RICO case for about 5 years now, in secret.")
Biden and the Biden crime family are the most perfect representatives of the swamp to have as an actual President of the United States. Because ALL the evidence against them is so damningly clear. But Biden is such a small fish in this whole pool. The real targets include Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, but even more importantly, the entire swamp cabal system which has been hiding them and all the previous criminals for decades and even centuries, in plain sight.
IMO, Biden is simply the entry point. And, that entry point needed to be full spin front and center, as the POTUS, to show just how corrupt the WHOLE system has been. Meanwhile, DJT is insulated optically, because (supposedly) the DOJ etc under Biden, not to mention the Swamp during the DJT administration, has been after him every day, every month, every year.
We are getting very close now to the tables being turned. And when they are, the majority of the country will not be able to say anything against Trump and also the radicalized swamp will not be able to say anything against the real justice that will be brought against the aforementioned targets, including Obama, the Bushes, etc.
If you think Rudy coming out with this bombshell just now is coincidence, or random, or unplanned, I've got a letter for you:
ok ok I hear you and don’t necessarily disagree. I think my point was more of even if there has been a secret sting op etc, stfu and release shit. This just wait til next Tuesday is lame . It’s the I’m relaxing the kraken …..still waiting on the kraken if you get my drift.
We are either dead on or we will wake up in a dark world soon. We are putting a lot of faith into a “movie” God help us if we are just part of the extras at the end and the movies credits end with thank you comrades